Works on DOD 5.
Phantom 2
Works on DOS, Windows 3.
Works on DOS, Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook and MS Internet Explorer.
Works on DOS, Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, Unix (Linux) and Atari.
Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
Works on DOS, Windows 95, 98 and ME.
Goy'Z TroJan , Rizal
Works on DOS, Windows 95 and 98.
Psycho´s Nightmare
Works on DOS, Windows 95 and NT.
Works on DOS, together with Novell NetWare.
GetIt Keylogger
Works on DOS.
Bomb-Sim , CMP , Delpart , DirtyGuy , Durell , ErasePart , Exterminator , Fatkill , Fooled , Ftrojan , HD trojan , Hiyoya , InSchool , Jiang , Killman , Megabyte , Megaword , Mortuary , Nogzoeen , Nolite , On4ever , PassGrab , PKZip Trojan , PushBoot , QZap14 , Silly Willy , Telefoon , Trainer , Trash trojan , Trojan Attack , Trojan Evil , Trojan Horse Construction Kit , VAC , Warpcom , Zaratustra
Works on DOS 2.
Works on DOS 3.
Works on DOS and Windows, together with AOL.
AOL Gold Trojan
Works on DOS and Windows, together with ICQ.
Works on DOS and Windows, together with mIRC.
Dark Banishing
Works on DOS and Windows.
Megachar , Taliban
Works on DOS and Windows 3.
AOL4FREE , Hard Drive Killer Pro , RegForm
Works on DOS and Windows 95.
Works on DOS and Windows 95 and 98.
DMSetup H
Works on DOS and on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP.
Works on Macintosh, System 7.
No Vowel Prank
Works on Macintosh.
Autostart 9805 , Back Orifice Mac , ChinaTalk , Chooser Updater , Compact Pro 1.41 , Font Finder , Graphics Accelerator , Hotmail.com_Hack , LolitaFuck , MacMag , Mosaic , NetBarrier_1.6 updater , Peace , Remote Admin Extension , Steroid , SubSeven Mac , Take Down Server Suite , Teen_Fuck , Tetricycle , Typerec , Virex 6.1 patch
Works on Macintosh (System 9.
Works on OS/2.
Works on Palm OS.
Liberty , Phage
Works on Spanish Windows, together with Spanish MS MSN Messenger.
MSN Crack
Works on Spanish Windows.
Works on UNIX (Linux, Solaris, AIX and OpenBSD).
Reverse WWW Tunnel Backdoor
Works on UNix.
Works on UNix (FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD and Sun Solaris).
Process Stack Faker
Works on Unix, together with Apache Web server.
Apache backdoor
Works on Unix, together with SSH.
Works on Unix.
A UDP backdoor , ASMD , BackHoe , BackWhore , Bash-door , bindshell , Blackhole , cd00r , Connect-Back Backdoor , Crackpipe , cron / crontab , Darkside , DDNSF , demonKit , Devil rootkit , DevNull rootkit , Double Dragon Backdoor , duarawkz , Ducoci rootkit , erkms , Exploit Translation Server , Fuzzy , Generic backdoor , George , gH CGI Backdoor , Gummo , Hidden Root Shell , Hidrootkit , icmp_client.c , icmp_pipe.c , ICMP remote shell backdoor server , Illogic rootkit , inetd shell , inetdfun , Kenny rk , Login trojan , LoveLetter , ls trojan , Maniac rootkit , md5 Backdoor , Monkit , NTFX , Obsidian , Omega , OpenBSD rootkit , Optickit , phf.c , Pizdakit , Portd , Reverse Pimpage , rh[67]-shaper , RK 17 , Romanian rootkit , RSHA , sendm-8.9.3trojan , Shadyshell , Shaft , ShitC worm , Showtee , Shutup , SK rootkit , Sm4ck , Sockdmini , Sp00fed TCP Shell (Spoofed) , Spoofedlogin , SSH Backdoor , SSH Rootkit , ssh-2.3.0-patch , SSH2 , Su , Sushiquo , T.R.K , Taskigt , TCP remote shell backdoor , TCP Wrappers trojan , Telnet logger , Test CGI trojan , trojanized Dsniff , trojanized Fragroute , trojanized Fragrouter , trojanized Sendmail , UDP Backdoor , UDP backdoor , UDP remote shell backdoor server , Universal trojan , v1rootkit , Vexed , Whodo , WoodWorm , Woowoo , Wormkit worm , wu-ftpd trojan
Works on Unix (BSD, Linux and Sun Solaris).
ICMP Backdoor , ICMP Shell
Works on Unix (BSDI, FreeBSD, IRIX, OSF/DGUX, Linux and SunOS).
Universal login trojan
Works on Unix (BSD 4.
Works on Unix (BSD).
ExSee , Spapem , TCPshell
Works on Unix (FreeBSD), together with Apache Webserver.
Works on Unix (FreeBSD).
AdoreBSD , Fbsd rootkit , FreeBSD LKM , FreeBSD rootkit , lbk , Marry , OpenSSH backdoor
Works on Unix (IRIX).
Password trojan , Su trojan
Works on Unix (Irix).
Works on Unix (Linux), together with Apache Web servers.
Works on Unix (Linux), together with BIND 8.
Works on Unix (Linux), together with ICQ and an IRC software.
Works on Unix (Linux), together with the worm Lion.
Cheese worm
Works on Unix (Linux - SuSe, Mandrake, RedHat, Slackware, Debian, Gentoo), together with Apache Web server.
Works on Unix (Linux 2.
Knark , Phide
Works on Unix (Linux 6.
Works on Unix (Linux RedHat).
Works on Unix (Linux).
007 Shell , ADM worm , ADM worm v. Max Vision , Adore rootkit , Adore sshd , Adore worm , allroot , Ambient's Rootkit for Linux , B2 , BlitzNet , Bobkit Linux rootkit , Carogna , Ch3 , Dudleyh , False , Fryxar , Gris , Gulzan , Heroin , Hijacker , Intruder , Jac , Kernel Intrusion System , Linspy , Linux Integrated Trojan Facility , Linux loadable kernel module backdoor , Linux Rootkit III (3) , Linux Rootkit IV (4) , Linux Rootkit V (5) , Linux Rootkit VI (6) , login , lpdw0rm , Millenium Worm , MithRa´s Rootkit , ovasOn , overkill Red Hat 7.0 rootkit , Pass , Ramen , Remote Shell , RK15 rootkit , Rkit , Rootkit In A LKM , RPC Backdoor , sArGeAnts Tool Kit , /sbin/initd , Solo , SucKIT , Synapsys , Syslogd trojan , T0rn Rootkit , TCH Backdoor , TeLeKit , THC Backdoor - Linux , TrojanIt kit , trojanized IRSSI IRC client , trojanized Portmap Remote Root Linux Exploit , Tunnel Shell , yoyo , Zerto
Works on Unix (Linux) and Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000.
Back Orifice Communications Library
Works on Unix (Linux and BSD).
Works on Unix (Linux and FreeBSD).
Works on Unix (Linux and IRIX).
CGI Backdoor
Works on Unix (Linux and Sun Solaris).
Works on Unix (Linux and one or several BSD dialects).
9x Log'n
Works on Unix (OpenBSD).
THC Backdoor - OpenBSD , trojanized OpenSSH
Works on Unix (Solaris 2.
Solaris Integrated Trojan Facility
Works on Unix (Sun, Linux) and Windows NT.
Tribe Flood Network 2K
Works on Unix (SunOS).
Rootkit , rshd trojan , SunOS rootkit , Werd
Works on Unix (SunOS and Linux).
Works on Unix (Sun Solaris, together with Solstice sadmind administration program) and on Windows NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Information Server (IIS).
Works on Unix (Sun Solaris).
Sol 2.6 keylogger , Solaris rootkit
Works on Unix (Sun).
Grabem , Trinoo
Works on Unix (Sun and Linux).
Works on Unix ( Sun).
Tribe Flood Network
Works on Unix (several BSD dialects, Sun Solaris, AIX and several Linux distributions).
Works on Unix and Windows.
Works on Unix and Windows NT.
Big Brother Systems & Network Monitor - BB
Works on Wi8ndows.
Greek Hackers Rat
Works on Windows,.
In Route to the Hell , Ptsnoop , Yeah Yeah
Works on Windows, Unix (Linux) and PDAs.
Works on Windows, on 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000.
Works on Windows, on Unix (Linux) and on PDA devices.
Works on Windows, toegther with MS Outlook and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with.
Alert , Julien
Works on Windows, together with AOL.
, AimS , AOL 79316 trojan , AOL Edit , AOL Patch PWS , AOL trojan 0797A , AOL Trojan 1525 , AOLman , AOLPic , Beazly , Bloodhound trojan , Free AOL , Nanu , OH Upgrader , Winsyst
Works on Windows, together with AOL 5.
Works on Windows, together with AOL and T-Online software.
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s IAM.
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Instant Messegner AIM.
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Instant Messenger, AIM.
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Instant Messenger AIM, ICQ, Yahoo! Mesenger, MS MSN Messenger, and Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
Ass Sniffer
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Instant Messenger AIM.
a3i , AIM , AIM Evil Doer , AIM Jacker , AIMaster , AIMBus , AimSpy , AIMVision
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Instant manager (AIM).
KilAIMPws2 , mcrackaz-fiz , Mini AIM Trojan
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Instant manager (AIM) version 4.
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Messanger AIM.
Works on Windows, together with AOL´s Messenger AIM.
AIM Filter , AIM Robber
Works on Windows, together with Back Orifice.
Remote Command Router
Works on Windows, together with Bionet Server.
Works on Windows, together with Eudora, mailprograms using MAPI, mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with Eudora.
Red Team
Works on Windows, together with Excel.
Works on Windows, together with Gnutella P2P software.
Gnutel worm
Works on Windows, together with ICQ.
Back Door Setup , Cervivec , CFour , Gnotify , ICQ IP Sniffer , ICQ LogIn , ICQ Revenge , ICQ Spy , ICQ War 2000 , ICQ99 War Suite , ICQBomb , Keylogger , Oggy Froggy , Schwartz , WPD , Zux
Works on Windows, together with ICQ and an IRC software.
Works on Windows, together with IRC and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows, together with IRC software.
Works on Windows, together with Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows, together with Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows, together with MSInternet Explorer 5.
Kill MBR
Works on Windows, together with MS Access.
Works on Windows, together with MS Excel.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook and an IRC software.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer, mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer.
, Akosch4 , ASpam , Bother , Cover , Dayumi , Exception , Gaggle , GatSlag , Gop , HotList , IEUnsecure , NoClose , Noped , PassOn , RTB 666 , Setiri , SetZone , StartPage , SureSeeker , TPS trojan , WbeCheck , WhoFramed , Voodoo worm
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer 4.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer 5.
, Efortune
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer .
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS MSN Messenger.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Outlook.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Word 97.
Soldier macro
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer and Mirc32.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer and mIRC.
Gribble , Mizi
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Explorer and mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Information Server, MS Personal Web Server, MS Internet Explorer and Netcape.
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet Information Server (IIS).
IIS Crack , IISworm
Works on Windows, together with MS Internet explorer.
Fearless IE Exploiter
Works on Windows, together with MS MSN Messenger.
Annoying , Choke , Furax , Hack Hotmail , Hello , Kitro , MSNTrick , Seesix
Works on Windows, together with MS Mail, MS Outlook, MSOutlook Express and Netscape Mail.
NewApt worm
Works on Windows, together with MS Ofice 2000 and many versions of MS Word.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, ICQ, mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, MS Internet Explorer, MS MSN Messenger and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, MS Internet Explorer and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, MS Internet Information Server and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, MS MSN Messenger and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and AOL´s Instant Messenger AIM.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, and mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, mIRC, Pirch and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, mIRC, mIRC 32 and Pirch32.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Pirch 98.
Crayon of Doom - COD
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Pirtch.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook.
3D Stars , Abotus , Actem , Alcop , Ants , Apulia , Argen , BiMorph , BlueMail , Caric , Carnival , Cartolina , Chiller , Cobbes , Copy , Count , Dena , Dilbert , DracV , Eira , Emin , Erul , European , ExtraHelp , Fami , Fearless Lookout Exploit Generator , FriendMess , Fundll , Funny Story , Gabry , Gibe , Grate , Hermes , Homemade , Horty , Hydra , Jean , Kiray , LastScene , LastWord , Linong , Maldal.D , Malpoc , Manis , Matcher , Mawanella , MBot , Melting , MissWorld , Monkey , Mraz , Myba , Naked Wife , Noon , Numgame , Olvort , OntheFly , Paukor , Pet_ticky , Pleh , Pokemon , PolyPedo , Porma , Proude , Rahma , Redesi , Regreside , Resreg , RizBeat , Scary , Sinep , Sint , Small , SouthPark , Sysnom , Timofonica , Toget , Tqll , Uncensored , Updater , Valcard , Warga , Vcard , Viled , Wobble , XPMsg , Yabran , Zacker , Zeam , Zoher
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook 98 or 2000 and mIRC and Pirch.
The Fly
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook Express.
Frethem , San , Sysid , Trappy , White worm
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook Express 5.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook Express and MS Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and Adobe Acrobat.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MSOutlook Express.
Jennifer Lopez
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS Internet Explorer.
Creepy , Cuerpo , Funsoul , GodWill worm , Homepage , Loading , Marijuana , Mylinong , Plan , Postcard , Quatro , Shoho , Solved , Staple , Vierika
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS Internet Explorer (other than IE 5.
Outlook Overflow
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS MSN Messenger.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express.
Brebarka , HapTime , Petik VBS , Redlof
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS Word.
Alcarys.D , Futonik , Melissa
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and MS Word 2000.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and Outlook Express.
New Love
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and an IRC software.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
, , Angela , Bugfix , CoolNote , Desperate , Echelon , El Che is alive , Eris , Eyemagic , Fable , Fireburn , GhostDog , Jer , JongBoy , Lee , Merlin , Moncher , Nightflight , Parrot , Pilantra , Placid , Pnguin , Satanik , Scooter , Scrambler , Spester , Taz , Valentine , Weather , Winx , Vodni , Xanax
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and mIRC and Mirc32.
BuggyWorm , Mustard
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and mIRC and Pirch.
Freelink , NeueTarife
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and mIRC and Prich.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and mIRC and/or Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with MS Outlook and the .
Works on Windows, together with MS SQL Server 6.
Voyager Alpha Force
Works on Windows, together with MS Word.
17th.Inst , Alcarys.C , Caligula , FormatC , Hider , Monde , Nikita , Pacol , Reizfaktor , Stryx , Switches , Wiederoeffnen
Works on Windows, together with MS Word 2000, MS Outlook and MS Internet Explorer.
Little Davinia
Works on Windows, together with MS Word 97, MS Word 2000 and MS Outlook.
Works on Windows, together with MS Word 97.
Antimarc , Beast.41472 , Beast.56230 , Cham , Class , Evolution , Lucia , Nail , Osm , Piece , Ping , Tador , Tvangeste
Works on Windows, together with MS Word 97 and 2000.
Abre , Advice , Boring
Works on Windows, together with MS Word and MS Excel.
Works on Windows, together with MS Word and MS Office 2000.
Works on Windows, together with MS Word and MS Outlook.
Comical , Cruson
Works on Windows, together with MS word and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with Mirc32 and Prich.
Works on Windows, together with Mirc 32.
Works on Windows, together with Netscape.
Cache , Cookie , File List
Works on Windows, together with Netscape Communicator.
Brown Orifice
Works on Windows, together with Novell NetWare.
Ipxctrl , KCR , KeyTrap , NetWare Login , Netware Trojan , Novell Login
Works on Windows, together with Novell NetWare 3.
Getit trojan , Ritter
Works on Windows, together with Office 2000.
Works on Windows, together with Outlook Express.
Works on Windows, together with PHP interpreters.
Works on Windows, together with Pegasus mail and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with WebMoney.
Works on Windows, together with Word 97.
Works on Windows, together with ZoneAlarm.
ZA Killer , Zone Killer
Works on Windows, together with a MAPI-enabled mail client and mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with a Web browser.
Works on Windows, together with a mail program.
Works on Windows, together with an IRC software.
5thSeason , Dark IRC , , Dianora , DivX , DpBot , IRC Trojan , Litmus , Me_Naked , Moses , Penrox , Sheep , SlackBot , Slak Bot , srvcp , Weedb0tz
Works on Windows, together with an mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with any MAPI-compliant mail program.
Works on Windows, together with any mail client using MAPI.
Works on Windows, together with mIRC.
Acropolis , Amri , Antipedo , Arica , Aristotles , Bitmap Worm , Boost It , BrainProtect , Buffy worm , Claw , Crack , CrazzyNet Scanner , Critical , Cuty , Decode , DMSetup Godicq , Dog trojan , Dolly the Sheep , Fireman , Glutton , HeLLfiRez Inv mIRC Backdooring Kit , HeLLfiReZ IRCQ Mass Killer , HeLLfiReZ Multi Exploit Scan Echo , Hidden Port , Hype , Jane.BMP , JDay , Jeepwarz , Judge.E , Judgement Day , Kamikaze , KarmaHotel , Kazimas , Korpie , Lara , Lennium , Loa , Mabra , Mafiosos , Magical 7 , Mb , Mcon , Milbug , Mimic , Mirc extractor , mIRC File Extracting Script Builder , Mirc_New , mirc55t , MircAbuser , MircUpdate , Movie , Movie.avi , Movie Pif worm , neXus , Orochi , PAL , Ping , Projax , Readme.1077 , Reaper , Rockstar , Rootlet , Saltlake , SataS Scan Script , ScannDALO , Season , SenSi , Smev , STD , SubSeven scripts , SuckInfo trojan , Tetris , The Spy Mirc , The Traitor (= th3tr41t0r) , Unreal , Watal , Whacked , WinHelp , WinHelper , WW III , XRA , YahooHack , Zeton , Zippy
Works on Windows, together with mIRC 5.
Works on Windows, together with mIRC and ICQ.
Gjamer , mIRCPlus
Works on Windows, together with mIRC and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows, together with mIRC and MAPI.
Works on Windows, together with mIRC and Mirc32.
Carac , Pron , Septic
Works on Windows, together with mIRC and Pirch98.
Works on Windows, together with mIRC and Pirch.
Ceyda , Lucky , Missy , MrWormy , Yello
Works on Windows, together with mIRC och Pirch.
Works on Windows, together with the German version of MS Word.
Works on Windows, together with the MS !Plus add-on and mIRC.
Works on Windows, together with the NetBus trojan.
NetBus Patcher
Works on Windows, together with the RAT Undetected.
Undetected plug-ins
Works on Windows, together with the trojan Back Orifice.
Works on Windows, together witn MS Word 97 and 2000.
Works on Windows, together witn mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows, together wqith AutoCAD.
Works on Windows.
, , , , , , , , , 15 year , 1IM Punter , , 2k Keylogger , 3D Tetris , 3troj , 4Fuk , 4U , , 7th Sphere , 8fish , 9_119 , 911BAT , 9x Int 09 Moniter , A new trojan , A.O.M. Trojan , A4zeta , Absr , Abuser , ABX , AccKontrol , Achtung! , Acid , Acid Alliance , Acid Battery 2000 , Acid Head , Acid Juice Rat , Acid Trojan Horse , Acidhead , Acidsena , ActiveX , Actx , Admire , AdonAi , AeonwindDoll , Agent 31 , Agent 8 , AGM65 Keylog , Aibolit , Aids , AIM Fire , AIM PWSteal , AIMBot , AiTrojan , AKcom FTP , Akuma , AL-Bareki , Alal , Alcarys.B , Alerta , Alerter , AlexMessoMalex trojan , AlexTrojan , Algus , Alicia , Alien , Alien Hacker , Alien Spy , Alloy Executable Compiler , Allure , Almaster , Alpha Dog , Alporon , Alps , Alvgus trojan 2000 , Alysium , Ambulance , Amena , Amitis , Amusak , Anaphylaxis , Anaru , Android , Anime , Anita , Annhiliate 98 , Annihilation , Annod , Annod B , Anthena , Anti Denial , AntiAntiVirus , AntiBTC , AntiLame , AntiLamer Light , AntiLaw , AntiNapster , AntiSec , AntiSpector , Antispy , AntiURL , AOL Password Cracker , AoTaun , Apagao , Apart , Aphex WebDownloader , Aphex's Remote Packet Sniffer , Aphophis Spy , Apophis Spy , AppletKiller , APS Trojan Generator , Aqua , ArabAir , Arcanum , Arctic Warfare Device , Argentino , Arsd , Arturik , Asgood , Asit , ASniffer , ASPack , Assault , Asuit , Asylum 0.1.4 FE , Asylum Binder , Asylum Multipager , ASync , Atom , Atomic , Atram , Attach , Attacker , Autocrat , Autoftp1 , AV Kill , Avanzado , Ave , AVKillah , AVM , AVMT , Avone , AVtrojan , AZD , AZPR , BacHack , Back Orifice plug-ins , Back Orifice scanner , Back streets , BackdoorG-DLL trojan , Backfire , Background trojan , BackHack , BackIce , BackLash , BackSocket , Backstealth , BackWeb Server , BacKWindowS , Bad Boy Killa , Bad Sniper , Badmacro , Banan , Barbie , Barisot , Basic Hell , BbaBort , BCP trojan , BD-Mania , BDDT , BDE , BeanHive , Bearded , Beast , Beerwyrm , Beko , Belgerim , Bezilom , Bhong , Big Jack Joiner , Bigjack , Bigorna , Bigshot 3754 , Billrus , Binder , Bindery , Binding Suite , BinHex , Bionet CGI logger , BIOS Password trojan , BirdSPY , Bitar , BitchController , Bitchin Threads , Black Angel , Black Angel , Black Diver , Black Dream , Black Ice , Black-Fire Logger , BlackDay , BlackDoor , BlackFire´s CGI Logger , BlackHole , BlackRat , Blackstone , Blade Joiner , Blade&Home , Blamm , BleemFake , Bless , Bloodhound worm , BloodLust , BluDisk , Blue Eclipse , BlueFire , BlueIce 2000 , Bmail , BNC , BO spy , Bocado , Boiling , Bombarder , Boobs , Bormex , BOWhack , Box Scanner , BoxPoison , Brain , Brain Wiper , Brat , Brent , Bruces GF , BSDi , BTNG , Budweiser Frog , Buffy , Bugs Bunny , BulbaSaur , Bundy , Bunker-Hill , Buny , Burn , BuschTrommel , Buschtrommel TNG , BusConquerer , ButtonF , Buttons , Bye Trojan , Byterate , C.H.C.B. , c400s Binder , c400s FTP server , c400s Simple Binder , Cable , Caleb15 , Calimocho , Caller , Canassos , CANCER , Capdrop , Capture Grabber , CardStealer , Cark IRC , Carved , Casus , CCDKey , CD-Argen , CDU´s Backdoor , Celine , CGI Notify , CGIXP , Chainsaw , Chantal , Chaparone , Charge , Charlene , Chat power , ChatIRC , ChatMaster , Cheese , Cheval , Chico , China , Cholera , Chonker , Chupacabra , Cindyply , Cirin , Clandestine , Clavier , ClepToManiacos , Click , Clid , Clone , CMJSpy , CNK , Code Red 2 , Coke trojan , Cokegift , ColdLoad , Comando trojan , Command Center , Commander , ComputerSpy , Concealer , Concon , Confusion , Congrats , Conlock , Connect4 , Connecter , ConTempt , Contract , Control Panel , Controlo do Virus , CookieMonster , Cookies , Cookmon , Cool , Cosol , Cousin , Crash Pentium II , CrazyMan , Crazzy Trojan Scanner , CrazzyIRC , CRS-Gate , Crypter , CryptoLab , CSR worm , Cute , Cute Elsa , Cutev , Cvir trojan , Cybermattixx , Cybernetic Cowb0y´s NetBus , CyberSpy , CyberSpy FTP , Cyn , Cytron , D0130 , Dafunks Keylogger , DailUp , Danger 666 , Daniel , Danschl , Danton , Daodan , Dap , Dark Connection Inside , Dark Nova , Dark Observer , Dark Omen , Dark Zone , DarkBot , DarkDia , DarkFace , Darkman trojan , DarkScan , DAT Killer , Data Rape , DataRape , DataSpy Network X , Datod , David , Dawn , DB Killer , DCH-Trojaner Runner , DD , Dead , DeadCow , Death Penalty Suite , DeathWare , DecBel , Decimal trojan , Delalot , DelBIOS , Delete trojan , Delf.C , Delsys , Delta Remote Access , Delwin.D , DepthCharge , Derek , Desire , Destiny , Dethor , Deve´s Client / Server , Dewin , Devious ICQ Notify , Devolve , DGS , DGS Key Logger , Diablo Min , Dial-up ripper , Die Hard Horse , Die Modem , Diego , Diem´s Mutter , Diem´s Mutter FTP , Diet , Digital Chaos , Digital Doom , Digital Hand , Digital Spy , Digital Upload Trojan , DigitalSpawn RAT , Dimbus , Dipti5 , Direcory Rename , Direct Connection , DirectX8 , DiskAdmin , DiskHog , DisMcAfee , Dismissed , Divine , Dizer , DLer , Dlode , DLP , dlx webdownloader , DM , DMX , DNS , DNS Notify , Dobol , Dog´s Bollocks , DogRev , Doh! , Dopewars , Doser , Dosh , Draft , DRaT Binder , Dream , Dream Punter , Dreamscape , Dripper , Driv , Dropper , Dropper.17th , Dropper Gen , DRTRAN , DS Web Downloader , DT Cold , DTSE , DU , Ducktoy , Duddie , Dummr , Dump , DUN Control , DUT , DWsetup , eBlaster , Eclipse 2000 , Eclypse , EES Commandline Tools , EES Sinister Uploader , EH trojan , Eighty , El Diabolo , El16 JPG , Elf , Elim , Eliptic Curve , Elite Wrapper , eLiTeWrap , Elkern , Elliv , Elsa , Embedder , Emma Peel , Emwerm , Enaid , EnCuLaToR , Enimen , Enjoy , Erase , Eret , Error , EuroCalculator , Euthanasia , ev0luti0n HTTP keylogger , Eventor , Evil Goar , EvilBot , EX_Folder , Examehell , Excuse , EXE 2 VB , EXE Bind , Exe maker , Exebind , ExeBundle , executor 2 , ExeSmasher , Expand , Experimental , Expir , Explorer , ExplorerAddOn , eXposed , External Access , Extra Access , EZ KiLLA , Fabio , Factory , Fade Door , Fake , Fake AIM , Fake eXe , Fake First Aid 6.03 Upgrade , Fake MSN Messenger , Fake Server , Fake Telnet , Fake virii , Fake Y2K , FakeHost , Falken , Fantast , Fantasy , Farfrom , Farnaz , Fast Internet Utility , Fasthorse , Fastwalk , Fat Bitch trojan , Fav , Fbound , FC Exe binder , Fearless Downloader , Fearless Joiner , Fearless Webdownloader , Feeth , Feiticeira , Fenster , Feri , Feric , Feuerleiter , Fi 7 , Fiber , File Binder , File Joiner , FileCoder , FileMail , FinalX , Finjan trojan , Fire , Fire HacKer , FireBird , FireCracker , Firefox Scan , Firewall_bypass , First , Fix , Fix201x , FlashFXP , FliMod , Floid , Flor , Fluff 2 i Rabarbar , Fluxay , Fof , Fog , Folder trojan , Fonly , Fono , FontManager , Fonts , Force , Fore , Foreplay , Format.FR , Fosen , Fox , FoxEyes , FQ , Frag , Fraggle , Franza , Fred 2001 , FreddyK ASE , Fredisoft Trojan , FreeGift , Freezer virus , Frozen , FTP Binder , FTP SMTP , FTP Trojan Generator , Fuck , Fuck AVP , Fuck Lamers Backdoor , Fun , Funny , FunnyPics , Fuse , Fuzzynut , fwkill , FY.Win , G_door , G.R.O.B. , G-Hack , G-Spot , G-Spot IRC , G-Spot Tight , G-Spot WWW , Gaby , Gamble Hack , Gangsta , GarGaMeL Remote Spy , Gary Gygax , Gateway BIOS Spoof , Gatez To Hell , Gaura , GCSI , GDoor , Gecky , GeneralDriver , Genue , Germinal , Get Pass , Getfiles , GetPasswords , Ghost Girl , Ghost Keylogger , GhostSpy , Gibbon , Gift , Giggle , gIrc 2k , Giri , Girl Gif , GirlBoy , Giwin , GlacXP , Glyph , Gnome , Goblin , Gobo Wrap , God Keylogger , God Message 4 Creator , God Message Asylum , GOD Remote Keylogger , Godwill Thin God , Godzilla , GoFriller , Golden Retriever , Goliaphm , Gollum , Gonji , Gosusub , GOTHIC Intruder , GR , Grab , Grador , Granst , Gravedad , GRC , GreenScreen , GruPong , Guangwai Ghost , Guard , Guptachar Remote Administration Tool , GüTyKa Spy , H04x3r Telnet Server , Habibti , Habiti , Hack´99 KeyLogger , Hack Office , Hack Server , Hacker Brasil , Hacker´s Heaven , Hacker World , Hacker's Best Friend , Hackerz Backdoor , Hackin , Hackin' for Newbies , HackIt , Hacore , Hai , Haiku , HakTek , HalloDoor , Happy 2000 , Hard Drive Anihalator , HardLock.618 , Harvester , Hatred , Havocore , Haxxor , HCDupRipper , HCJCPJHC , HD Crascher , HD Fill , HD Kill , HD Zap , Heckler , Hell-Driver , HeLLfiReZ Mass DCC , HeLLfiReZ Scan , Hellz Addiction , Hidedoor , Hive , HK , HoaVelu , Hoaxer , Hola , Holon , Honeypot , Hook Input , Hopper , Hospitable Nuker , Hotlix , Html Yasg.cgi , Httpspy , Hummer , Humour , Hydroleak , Hyne , Iani , Ice Storm Killerz , Icebraker , Iceman MC , Icenuker , ICMIBS , ICMP Tunneling Library , Icon , Icon GhanGer , IconDance , IconLib , ICQ Crack , ICQ Flooder , ICQ Fucker , ICQ House , ICQ Notify , ICQ Ownage , ICQ Pager , ID 2001 , Idiot , IE1099 , Iexplore5 , IGMP Nuke , ik 97 , ILL Logger , Imiserv , Imort , Imploder , Impossible , Indexer , Indoctrination , Ineta , Infamy , Infanu , Infectus , Inferno Industries Uploader , Infiltration , Infiltration , Info trojan , InfoSpace , Infra Red Trojan , Initwo , Inlo , Insane Network , Install Trojan , Insult Media , InSurector , Intended , Internal , Internal Revise , Internet Tracker , Intruder , Intruder Mr. Q , Intruser , Inuk , Invisible Activity Spy , Invisible Hunter , Invisible KeyLogger , Invisible Webserver , iNzaNe , IOKill , Iowa's Joke Maker , Iowa's Webdownloader , ipExec , IRC Bot , IRC Orifice , IRW , iSpyNOW , ItAdEm , J4Y , Jack0 , Jade , Jany , Jany2000 , JavaKiller , Jenne , Jertva , Jerwin , JetHome , Jimmy , Johar , Joiner , Joke Rabbit , Joker , Joker´s FTP , Jord , JoTroj , Juggernaut 42 , Julie , Junator , Juntador , Juntador , JustJoke , JustJoke Pro , JZ , K.B.L. Uploader , K.B.L. WebdownLoader , K2 Turbo Loader , Kampana.Telefonica , Kaos modified , Karinca , Karmaz , Katux Latinus , Kayo , Kbman , Kcom Downloader , Kcom FTP (port can be changed) , Kcom Pwd , Kelino , Kenny , Kerne132 , KERNi386 , Key Phr33k , KeyHook , Keykeeper , KeyKey , Keylog! , Keylog-C , KeyLogger 2000 , Keylogwn , KeyPanic , KeySpy , Khaos , Kidarcade , Kidarcade.F , KiKbak , Kill98 , KillAV , KillCMOS , KillDientes , Killer EYS , Killer SRN , KiLo , Kiltro , KingSoft , Kiss , KKiller , Klacke , Kline 2 , KMKY , KnightBot , Knijpme , Konik , KrAIMer , Krass , Kremp , Krenx , Krippled , Kryptonic Ghost Command Pro , KS Rain Manager , Kuang2 loggerAS , Kuang2 passwordsender , Kuang2 very lite , Kula , KWM , Lacoon , Lame Webdownloader , Lamers Death , LameSpy , Laminate , Lan Bypasser , LAN Hacker , Lanbad , Lanbyte , LANfiltrator , Lanus , Laocoon , Larva , Latex , Lazy Admin , LazyVX , Le Guardien , Legal , Legio , Leon , Leszcz , Level One , Lez trojan , Liberty , Likun , Lil Witch FTP , Limera , Lindo , Lisa , Listas , Lite , Little Witch , Little Witch FTP , LittleBusters , Live List , Live Wite , Live4 , Lobo , Localhost 2000 , Locha , Lockdown , Log , Lohoboyshik , Longvi , LookSpy , Loop , Lornuke , Lovead , LoveYou , LowKill , Lox , LRAM KiT 98 BR , Lula , Lumorg , Lunatik worm , Lurker , Luzak , LXW , Lys , Ma petite amie , Mabul , MackBack , Mad Deamon , Mad Rat , Madbox , MadBus , Magic Lantern , Magnitude , Mail Notifer Editor , Mailsteal , MainDelWorms , Malicious , Malot , Manager , Mantice , Mard , Marfan , Marie42 , Massaker , Masteal , MasterAngel 97 , Math Is Fun , Matrix , Maul , mBAT , McVeigh , Me08! , Medusa , Meet the Lamer , Mega , Melanie , Melt, XMelt , Memory , Menace , Menajeto , Messiah , Meta4 Telnet , Metahog , Metal trojan , Metallica , Meteor , Micha II , MicroLog , Microreg , Microsoft.exe , Milena , Millenium (Lm) , Millrem , Mini Asylum , Mini Command , Mini Evangelion , Mini Glitch , Mini Oblivion , Mini-GiFt , MiniBless , Minicom , MiniCommand , Minizip , Mip , Mir , Miranda , Mix , MLink , MMX , Mobius , Momaker , MonaGun , Monk , Moral , Morgoth Trojan Dropper , Moscas , MoSucker plug-ins , Motalases , MOTD , Motley Crue , Mouse Joke , MovieWorld , Mozilla , Mr. Sender , MS checker , MSD , MSGate , MSN Spider , MSREXE , Mucks , Muhahah , Multi binder , Multidropper , Multimedia, Lithium plug-in , MultiMorph , MultiPad , Musdie , My collection , MyPicture , Mysocket , Myst Eclipse , Najort , Nakter Affe , Namaz , Napalm , Nariz , NatalCom , Natas , Nauka , Nawai , Nazburg , NB Spy , NB5566 , NBHack , NBPro20Reg , Neat , Necro , Neer , Nemesis , Neo City , NeoArk , NeoLite , Neoturk , Nephron , Net Administrator , Net Boost , Net Control 2 , Net Controller Port Finder , Net Hero , Net Master , Net Spider , Net-Devil CGI-logger , NetAmine , NetBoy , Netbus Password Hacker , Netbus Snooper , NetBus Toy , NetBuster Killer , Netcoach , NetControle , NetDemon , NetEyes , Netget , NetHack , Netkey , NetMail , Netmon , Netmonn , Netol , NetPocalypse , Netrecorder , Netres , NETrojan , Netscape Reg Voo Doo , NetSid , NetSnooper , NetTaxi , Netvaiser , Network Error , NetVoyeur , NetX Remote Like , NetXDetect , Neurotic Kitten , New Moscow , New Silencer , New2001 , Newblade , Newfuture , NewsFlood , Nexzusdamus , Nightmare , Nina , Ninja , NMBK , NMKB , NMVT , Noarn , NoBackO , NoDesk , NoMercy , Noname Trojan , Noodler , Nota , NovaPasta , NoXcape , NssKill , nttmyh , Nuker , NumLock , Oblivion Joiner , Offline Keylogger, MoSucker plug-in , Olive , Olvortex , Omega , Onalf , One of the Last Trojans , One of the Last Trojans , One Windows Trojan , OneTime , OnLine , OnLine KeyLogger , Onliner , ONZ , Optix Killer , Optix Lite Firewall Bypass Special Addition , Optix Pager , OpwinTRojan , Oracle , Orig , Out , Over , Over G trojan , OverBuf.gen , Overnuke , Oxon , Ozkan , Packer 95 , Pada , Paltalk , Pando , Pantheon , Panther , Papeator , Paper Waster , Paragon Network , Parasite , Parody , Parvo , Pasana , PassView , Password Mailer , Password Theft trojan , Payback , PC Crasher , PC Invader , PDialer , PE Bundle , PE Diminisher , PE-intro adder , Peace , Pec , PECompact , Peeper , Penis trojan , PEPack , Permabot , Pest Remote Keylogger , Phage , Phantasmagoria , Phantom FTP , Phantom FTP server , Phase-1 , Phineas Phucker , Phreak , Picshow , PIF worm , Ping server , Pink worm , Pinkle , Pino Keylogger , Pinochet , Pinworm , Pipes , Pitbul , Pitbull , PitFall Surprise Attack , Pizza , PKLite , Platan , PlayX , PLD , Plea , PLICT , Pneuma , Pnuff , PolicyNewk , Polymorphic Web Downloader Generator , Pops , Popups5 , Porkodio , Porky , Porndial , Pornu , Port25 , PortFuck , Powerload , Predator , Prekvape , Prepend , Pretty , Prevender , Price , PriceDoc , Pricol , Primetime , Printer Spitter , Private Port , ProcessMate , Profman , Progenic ICQ Password Stealer , Progenic Mail Trojan Construction Kit , Progenic Password Thief , Progenic Trojan Maker , Propel , Propeler , Protoss , Provder , Prowler , PS.ok , Pseudo RAT , Pst Ince , Psyber Stream Server , PSYcho Files , Psychothug , Pure , pvds , PWSteal , Q-taz , QRabid , Qroject DualDownloader , Qroject MultiDownloader , Qroject WebDownloader , QSD23 , QtroDel / QreoDel , Quetnek , Quimera , QwErTos RAT , QXRay , R16 , RA Logger , Ra1d , Rabbit , rada-tat-RAT , Radlight , Rahiworm , RAM Eater , Ramus , Raptor 4.0 Update , RAS Dialer , Rast , RAT Cracker , RAT Pack , RAT packer , Rat Scanner , Ratcracker , Rathead , Rattler , Rawin , RC5 Trojan , Rcon , ReadMe , Real 2000 , Rebate , Rebooter , Redneck , RedShad , REG System , Regap , Regbomb , Rembomb , RemEye , RemoConChubo , Remod , Remodulator , Remote Administration Tool - RAT [no 2] , Remote Administration Window , Remote Administrator , Remote Bomber , Remote Control , Remote Controler , Remote Explorer 2000 , Remote Explorer Y2K , Remote Eye , Remote HAVOC , Remote Havok , Remote Keylogger , Remote Operations , Remote Process Monitor , Remote Revise , Remote Saucer , Remote Screen Capture , Remote Storm , Remote Toolkit , Remote Typer , Remote XS , RemoteHAK , RemoteMS , Remove Anything , RemScan , Rendezvous , Reset , ResHacker , Resizer , Resume , Retail , Retribution , Retrieve , RevDen , Revel , Reven , Revenger , Reverb , Reverse Trojan , REx , Rfpmgrtoet , Ribas , Ricta , RIP , RM Toolkit , RNS Exe Joiner , RNS Keylogger , Rocks , Romort , Rorex , Ros , Route32b , Row , Rude , Run , RunAuto , RunIRC , Runner , RunScript , Russian Guard trojan , Russian Roulette , RUX The TIc.K , RVC , S.U.T.O.T.W. , Sachiel , Sadcase , Sadist , Sambus , Sancho , , SAPvir , Saran Wrap , Satans Back Door , SatanzCrew Notifier , Saudiu , Sazo , SC-Keylog , Schedan , ScheduleAgent , Scheduling , School Bus TR (modified) , Schwindler , Scorpina , ScrapWorm , Scream , Screen Cutter , ScreenGrab , Screw Notifier , Scull , Sean , Season , Secure Anonymous Mail Bomber - SAMB , SecureWin , Security Breach , Sender , SendFile , Senna Spy 2001 , Senna Spy Auto Trojan , Senna Spy FTP server , Senna Spy Local Network Shared 2000 , Senna Spy One EXE Maker , Senna Spy One EXE Maker 2000 , Sentinel , Sepro , Septer , Sequel Remote Control , ServeU , Servidor , Sevgi , Sex 2000 , Sexo , SexPics , Sexu , SFind , Shaden , Shadenfreude , Shadow Phyre , Shadow RAT , Shadow Remote Administrator , Shaggy , Shah , Shake It , Shang , SharaQQ , ShareSniffer , Sheehy , Sheep [no 2] , SheepGoat , Sheepshank , Shipper , Shit Trojan , Shivka-Burka , Shnaz , Shorm , Shrinker , Shut All , Sidea , Silent Warrior , Silk Rope , Silly , Simple Greeting Card , Siner , SinRed Killer , Sins , Siteno , skl0g , SKOSX , Skullcrush , Skun , Skyfiree Spy , SkyRat , Slayde , Slayv Axis , SlyDude , Small , Small Big Brother , Small Share , Smallfun , SMB Relay , Smile , SMS Star , Snack trojan , Snape , Snav , Sneak , Sneako Bait , Snew , Snex , Snid , Snob , Snow , Socia , Sociable , Socks4D , Soer , Soft-War , Sohoanywhere , Solaris , Soldier DoS , Solid Gold , Sonic Boom , Sonitro , Sood , Sozz , , Spaces , Spadeace , Speak Easy , Sphere , Spie , Spiele , Spion , Splatter , Spmega , SpOOkeys Keylogger , Spoolsrv , Sppst , SpyAnywhere , SRAC-102 , Stanchild , Stang , Stars , Stats , Stealth Keyboard Interceptor Auto Sender , Stealth Tools , Stealth2 , StealthMail , Stina , STL , Stopin , Streaming Audio Server , Streaming Audio Trojan , Stretch , Sub7xXx , SubCracker , SubSeven 2.2 beta with loader , SubSeven Bonus , SubSeven Logger , SubSeven Regenerator , Subwoofer , Sudden Discharge Compressor , Suerte , Suffer , Sumatrix , Suomia , Suonerie , Super Spy , SuperMM , SuperNova , Surgeon , Swarm , SweetHeart , Sweetheart Skyfire , Svinta , Swish , Symopro , Syn Fader , SysAdmin , Sysbat , SysExploit , Sysinst , SysOCXDLL , System 32 , System 33 , System 666 , System Info , System Spy , SystemColor , Systray32s , Systsecure , Talex , Tally , Tami54 , TaskMon , Taupe , Tazr , TCC , Tela , TelDetect , TeleCommando , Teleserv , Telnet 2000 , Telnet Keylogger , Telnet Pro , Telnet Server , Telnet Server Faker , tELock , TEMan , Tepille , Terminal Server , Terminator , Terminator , Tetris , Texron , THC Backdoor - Windows , The Alien Package , The Cookie Man , The Freezer , The Hobbit Daemon , The Internet Spy And You , The Invasor , The IP Spoof , The Killer Trojan , The Nix , The Prayer , The ReVeNgEr , The Ripper , The Saint , The $ (The Dollar) , The Y2Kaos trojan , Theef CGI logger , Theef Download Creator , Third Eye , Threat , ThreeForOne , Thrill Kill , Thunderstorm , Timegluk , Tiny Telnet Server - TTS , TinyOpts , Titanic , TNet , TNO , Tobizan , Tomato , Tomek , Tongo , TOP , Tornado , Tosser , Toviz , Toxic Ultima , TR Killer , Traeger , Traitor 21 , Trank , Transmitter , Trapdoor , Trembler , Trepid , Trex , trILLian Rape , Tripod , TriRat , Troj2k , Trojan 4283 , Trojan.DV , Trojan Hide Tool , Trojan Horse Workshop , Trojan Killer , Trojan Revenge , Trojan99 , TRP , TS 2001 , Tubma , Turkish Port Trojan , Twea , Twinshoe , TypeRecorder , Typhoon , U321 , UandMe , UCK - Ultras Construction Kit , UCRT , Ugly FTP , Ullysse , Ulysses , Uncap , Uncapper , Under , Undernet , Unicode rootkit , Unify , Unin68 , Unite , UniteMail , Unknown , Unlocked , Updateg , Uprising , UpSideDown , UPX Scrambler , Uragan , User32 , W0de , Vagr Nocker , Vai , VaivNet , Wally , Valvoline , WAN Remote , Wanadoo , WarFactory , Warning , Varo31 , Watcher , Way , VB Troyen , VBS Encryptor , VC 6 , Vcmu32 , Web Asylum , Webcam trojan , Webdownloader , WebEx , Webserver Lite , Vector Remote Control , Weird Binder , Verital , wh-crew Spy , Whirlpool , Whitebait , Whitehome , Whiter , Wicked Bot , Vicky , Vicwor , Widget , Wildek , Win Genocide , Win Pass , Winator , Winchkr , WinControl , Wincrash , WinDac , WinData , WindowBomb , Windows Mite , Windows Remote Administrator Reset , WindowsKiller , Windrv , WinDuke , WinError , Winfig , WinFont , WinFuck , WinFucker , WinHack Gold , WinKill , WinKiller , Winlock , WinLoop , WinMap , Winnuke V , WinPatch , WinPort , Winrep32 , Winsck , WinSKC , Winsock Killer , WinSpy , WinSys , WinTour , WinTrojan Generator , Winuck , WinView , Wipe , Wiretap Demo , Vireus , Virtual Bus , VirtualAve , Virucillin , Vise , Wit , VIV-Net Taker , WKeyKill , Vlades , VM Christmas Card , WM Trojan Generator , WMFA , WMP , VmT , Wobbling , Voice , Voice Spy , Voob , Worm Trojan , Worms Generator , Worms Generator 3.0 , Wow 23 , Vovan , Wowhack , VP Killer , Vpot , WSFT , Wukaz , WWPack32 , X Console , X Jany , X Spy , X-Exe Joiner , X-ExeJoiner , XalNaga , XCan , Xena , XHX , Xiro , Xoom , Xplorer , Xposure , XtraAccess , Xzip 6000068 , Y-Voice , Y2Kcount , Y3K RAT Pro , YaBinder , Yagoda , YAI , Yajing , Yet Another Binder , Yet Another Trojan , Yozis , Yvoice , Yytri , Zany , Zap , Zap File , Zaskena , Zelu , Zendown , Zeraful , ZeroBoot , zget , Zhacker , Zimenok , Zirc , ZKT , Zmutovanej Netbus , Zom , Zombie , Zombie Joiner , Zomby , Zoory , Zorro , ZSpy II , Zuke , Zush , Zync , Zynk , Zyon multibinder
Works on Windows 2000, together with MS Internet Information Server (IIS).
Beavuh , VirtualRoot
Works on Windows 2000.
Dark Angel , OverQuota
Works on Windows 2000 and XP.
AckCmd , Donut
Works on Windows 3.
Annoy , Armageddon , CGI_Orifice , Chode , Deathpr , Hookdump , Naebi , Perrun , PrettyPark , Script.ini , Ultors Trojan , WinSatan , XTC
Works on Windows 85, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook Express 5.
Works on Windows 95,98, NT and 2000.
Works on Windows 95,98 and NT.
Fever , Hvl RAT
Works on Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP.
JanNet Remote Keylogger
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP.
Lithium , Silent Spy
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with AOL´s Instant Messenger AIM.
Avid , Fear
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with ICQ, MS MSN Messenger and AOL´s AIM.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with ICQ, MS MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger.
Yaha.E, F, G
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with ICQ.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with ICQ and IRC software.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with ICQ and Kazaa, Grokster, Morpheus and Bearshare P2P software.
Lavra , Thambl
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with IRC, ICQ and AOL software.
Optix Pro
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with KaZaA, Bearshare, Morpheus, and eDonkey2000 P2P networks.
Bare , Yoohoo
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with KaZaA P2P networks.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with Kazaa, Grokster and Morpheus P2P networks.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with Kazaa, iMesh, Gnutella, NeoModus and Morpheus P2P networks.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with Kazaa P2P networks.
Benjamin , Cazinat , Duload , Etimolod , Hobble , Icasur , Kitro.E , Supova
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with Kazaa P2P networks and MS Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with Kazaa and Morpheus P2P networks.
Electron , Kazmor , Relmony
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS INternet Information Server.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Explorer.
Ajim , Aphex FTP , Autoupder , Hedong , Swporta
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Outlook.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Outlook Express 5.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Outlook .
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Word 2000.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Explorer and mIRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Information Server.
Fraggle Rock , NetBUIE
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Internet Information Server (IIS), MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS MSN Messenger.
Bneo , Elitem , Elitor , Pest , Starfi , Yaha
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger.
B-S Spy
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outllok, Kazaa P2P networks, mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, AOL´s Instant Messenger, MS MSN Messenger and an IRC software.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, MS Internet Explorer, mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, KaZaA, and eDonkey2000 P2P networks.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and MS Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, Outlook Express and Yahoo! messenger.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, mIRC, Mirc32 and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Kazaa P2P networks.
Lama , Migrate
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Pirch.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook.
AJM , Assarm , Bajar , Bajar.B , Cbomb , Chet , CrazyBox , Depress , Emailtips , Enemany , Forlorn , Glitchy , Gubed , Higuy , Hunch , Indra , Krim , Lavehn , Liac , Molim , MyPower , Natay , Neiber , Parol , PetLil , Shatrix , Skren , Slip , Stayrina , Trilisa , Urick , Wconn , Without
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook Express.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook Express 5.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and MS Internet Explorer.
Corica , Wabbin
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express.
Buxte , Zoek
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express .
Klez.E , Klez.H
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and MS Word.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
Anjulie , Beckow , Britney , Hart , Prophecy
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS SQL Server.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Word 97.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with TheBat! mail client.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with an IRC software.
SD Bot
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with mIRC.
Anakha , Gillich , Hokilo , Oror , Quin
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with mIRC and Kazaa P2P networks.
Pelic , Venzu
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP.
AdClicker , Adnap , Ameter , Anal FTP , AntiLamer BackDoor , Areq , Assasin , Axatak , Azak , Beway , Bounce , Cabronator , CandyLove , Chir , Cool Remote Control , CrackerBox , Crat Pro , Cuhmap , D.I.R.T. - Data Interception by Remote Transmission , DarkSky , Datom , Dax , Diablo Keys , Diagcfg , Doal , Duksten , easyServ , Efno , Espionage , Estrella , Expjan , FireAnvil , Fishlet , FunFactory , Galaxy Remote Manager , Garlic , Gholame , Ghost , Gink , Gismor , Happylow , Helios , ILL-Eagle , Institution FWB , Ipamor , IRCBot , iwAnywhere , Junnan , Kaitex , Kamil , Kavar , kiLLer , Kilonce , Kotef , Kpager , Kryost , Kuang Updater , LAN Sniffer , Langex , Laphex , Last Door , Latinus , Liquid , Litmus 2a , MagicCall , Manymize , Micro Bot , Miffice , Mirab , Mite , Mortag , MoSucker , Netav , NetBus dropper , NetControle , NetCrack , Nethief , NetSnake , Niklaus , Nullbot , OMPN Magic , Opaserv , Optix Lite , Osiris , Phoenix II , Pixo , Prova , Ptakks , Qiwei , R0xr4t , RCServ , Remote Anything , Remote Computer Control Center , Rewin , RMF_FN , SatanCrew , Scanboot , Seamy , Shut-it Downloader , SoapSpy , SpArTa , Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter - STARR , Theef LE , Tini , Tron , Ugy , Ultimate RAT , Vig , Winshell , Wortron , XLog , ZenMaster , Zevach
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2002 and XP, together with MS Outlook.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, and 2000.
Acid Reign
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with AOL.
AOL account info
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with AOL 4.
AOL trojan
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with AOL Instant Messanger (AIM).
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with Gnutella P2P software.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Explorer 4.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Explorer 5, MS Outlook and mIRC.
God Message
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook, ICQ and mIRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger and Eudora.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook.
Apulia4 , Naver , Navidad , Yarner
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
DWorld , Rexli
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000.
Aladino , Apost , Atomic2 , Attack FTP , BioNet Lite , BSE , Bubbel , Connection , CoolCat , CyberJack , Death , DFch Grisch , GiFt trojan , Glacier , Hooker , ICQ Pager , Invalid , Invisible FTP , Mini Web Downloader , Molecule , MTX , NerTe , Net Grisch , NetTrash , NutShell , Optiz , PEElf , PitFall , Qaz , RAS Faker , Secret Agent , Senna Spy Trojan Generator , SkyDance , SShare 2 , Starline , SubSeven 2.2 , The Thing (modified) , Web Server CT
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000 and Macintosh MacOS, together with MS Outlook and MS Word 97 and 2000.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and XP.
Net Controller , Theef
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000, together with AOL, AIM and mIRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and 2000.
Leave , NokNok
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and NT, together with ICQ.
Progenic trojan
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and NT, together with MS Outlook and Eudora.
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and NT, together with an IRC software and any FTP software.
Dark FTP
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and NT, together with mIRC and ICQ.
PsychWard , Son of PsychWard
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and NT.
Ambush , Barrio , Funlove , NetSpy (DK) , Network Crack Wizard , ValvNet , WinCrash , Zhangpo
Works on Windows 95, 98, ME and XP.
Fade Remote Control
Works on Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, and 2000, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, and MS Internet Explorer .
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and UNIX.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and MS Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP.
HTTPort , Net Advance , SirCam
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, and ICQ 2000.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Explorer 4 and 5.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook Express.
God Message worm
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook and MS Exchange.
Senna Spy 2000
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with Windows Scripting Host.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000, together with mIRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000.
Blue Sky , Breach , Cafeini , Funtime Apocolypse , Jekord , Lame Remote , Levon , Net666 , NetBus , Network , Night , NT Kap , PC Protect , Petite , Ric , Senna Spy Worm Generator , Simpsons , Stealth Proxy , Terra
Works on Windows 95, 98, and ME.
Msic , Zeichen
Works on Windows 95, 98, and NT.
Antigen , Back End
Works on Windows 95, 98 ME and NT.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and 2000, together with MS Outlook 98, Outlook 2000 and Outlook Express (only English and Spanish versions).
Bubble Boy
Works on Windows 95, 98 and 2000.
A-trojan , Busters , NetRaider
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with AOL.
AOL Buddy
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with AOL 4.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with AOL Instant Messager (AIM).
Cyber Takeover
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with AOL´s Instant Messenger AIM.
FraggleRock Lite
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with ICQ, MS MSN Messenger and AOL´s AIM.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with ICQ.
Admin Tool , ICQ 2000 , ICQ Relay , Infector , The Thief
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with MS Internet Account Manager and Windows Address Book.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with MS Outlook.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with MS Outlook and mIRC and Ircn.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with an IRC software.
Digital Vampire
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with mIRC.
Check , Gum
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME, together with mIRC and Pirch.
IRC Contact
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME.
711 trojan (Seven Eleven) , Acid Battery , AcidkoR , Ajan , Arctic , Armageddon.B , Attack Bot , AudioDoor , AutoExec.Trojan , Backage , Barok , Beigllbe , BO dll , BoBo , Canasson 13 , Cattivik FTP Server , CC Invader , Cero , Control Total , CrackDown , Dagger , Dark Shadow , Der Späher / Der Spaeher , Enterprise , Event Horizon , Exploiter , Fake SubSeven , Fatal Connections , For Your Eyes Only , FreddyK , Hellz Little Spy - HLS , Hukkey , ICQ Pager , Incognito , InetSpy , Insect , JammerKillah , Kaylo , Lariara , Last 2000 , Libido , M2 trojan , Mantis , MicroSpy , Mini BackLash , MMedia support , Mneah , MoonPie , Msinit , My Very Own trojan , NetSpy , Pioneer , Prosiak , Remote Administration Tool - RAT , RexxRave , Ruler , School Bus , Sinus , SpySender , Studio 54 , SubSARI , The Flu , The Matrix , Trood , Undetected , Unicorn , War trojan , WebDownloader , Weia-Meia , Whomp Downloader , WinReboot , WM FTP Server , WM Remote KeyLogger , Xanadu
Works on Windows 95, 98 and ME and on Unix (Linux).
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT,.
Pie Bill Gates
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with AOL Instant Messenger (AIM).
AIM Thief
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with AOL and AIM.
Blood Fest Evolution
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with ICQ.
Coced , ICQ Thief , NetSphere , Subseven 2.1.4 DefCon 8 , The Thing
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with MS Internet Explorer 5.
Evil HTML Format , God
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with MS Internet Explorer 5 and an e-mail client reading HTML.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with MS Outlook.
Hybris , Mypics , NoWobbler , Shockwave trojan , Starbyte , Tossed , Totilix , Tryit , Video 25600
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with Novell NetWare.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with War_Ftpd.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with an IRC software.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with mIRC.
Azaco , EXbuz , Ttfloader
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, together with mIRC and Mirc32.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, with MS Outlook, MSOutlook Express and MS Exchange.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, with SMTP and POP3.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT, with Windows Scripting Host (WSH) and/or MS Internet Explorer 5 installed, with MS Outlook and IRC.
Works on Windows 95, 98 and NT.
007 Stealth Activity Monitor - SAM , 2000 Cracks , Acid Shivers , AntiQFX-A , Asylum , Aula , Back Door , Back Orifice 2000 , Back Orifice 2000 plug-ins , Backdoor Rat , Backnote , , Big Brother , Big Gluck , Blazer5 , Bleem Station , Bugs , Bugshell , ButtMan , Carrytone , Click´n´Show , Connector , Deep BO , Deep Throat , Dest , Devil , Doly Trojan , Donald Dick , DRAT , DTr , Email Password Sender , Erap Estrada , Err0r32 , Evil FTP , Fake FreeAV , Fake FTP , FAPI , Feliz , File Manager trojan , File Nail , Firehotcker , FireKiller 2000 , Freak88, Freak2k , Free JC suite , Frenzy , FTP99CMP , GateCrasher , Geschenk , Gift , Hackers Paradise , High Grow , IGMNuke , Illusion Mailer , Ini-Killer , Intruder , Invisible Identd Deamon , Kaos , Khe Sanh , Kozog , Lame , Logged , Logger , Magic Horse , Masters Paradise , MBT , Millenium , Mosaic , Movie trojan , Msn Cookie , NCX , Net Metropolitan , NetBus 2.0 Pro , NetBus patches , Netlog , Netministrator , NetSpy , NetTrojan , Nirvana , NT Remote Controller 2000 , Orion , Paradise trojan , Peanut Brittle , Phase Zero, Phase-0 , Photos17 , Plage 2000 , Polydrop , Portal of Doom , Project nEXT , PWT , QueBus , RC1 trojan , Remote Shut , Remote Windows Shutdown - RWS , Req , Rf Poison , Robo-Hack , Rux , Scarab , ServU , Shit Heep , Stealth , Stealth Spy , Striker trojan , SubSeven , SubSeven 2.1 Gold , SubSeven Apocalypse , SubSeven Muie , TailGunner , Tapiras , TCP Door , The 1-900 Trojan , The Spy , The Unexplained , Total Solar Eclypse , Trinoo (for Windows) , Trojan Man , Vampire , War Tools , Whack Job , Whack-a-mole , Wintrix , WWWPW , Xtreme , Yahoo! login
Works on Windows 95, together with MS Internet Explorer and MS Word 97.
Works on Windows 95.
Blaver , Bottle , Fix2001 , Jerk , Keylog95 , NB worm , Password Thief , Spoof95 trojan , w95log , Weird , WinGrab
Works on Windows 95 and 98, Unix (Linux) and Macintosh.
Remote Hack
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with ICQ.
Amanda , ICKiller , InCommand , Sockets des Troie , Syphillis
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with ICQ 99a.
Moscow Email trojan
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with Java and Sub7 2.
SubSeven Java client
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with MS Outlook.
AutoSpY , Sonic , Yama
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with MS Outlook and Outlook Express.
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
Gorum , Logic
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with MS Word.
Remplace , Suppl
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with Pirch32 and Pirch 98.
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with an IRC software.
Drive The Bus , NewsTick
Works on Windows 95 and 98, together with mIRC.
Aphex , El15 BMP , Havoc , Khaled , SpyBoy , Teddybear worm , Viagra , Wood Durdyn Aleanrahel Worm
Works on Windows 95 and 98.
1down3up , Absturz , Acid Shiver (Lm) , Aggressor Exploit Generator , Armageddon , Back Construction , Back Fire , Back Orifice , Back Orifice 1.20 patches , Back Orifice (Lm) , Back Orifice russian , BackDoor-G , Badcon , Baron Night , Basher , Bee One , Beeone GUI , BLA trojan , Blade Runner , Blakharaz , BO client , BO Facil , Bo Whack , BO2 , Bo2k Server Sniper , BOPic , BOSniffer , Bowl , BrainSpy , Bumerang , Butano , Butt Funnel , Cain & Abel , Coma , Control trojan , , Cyber Paky , DarkStar Deep Throat server , Dead Bolt , Death , Delta Source , Deltree , Digital RootBeer , DP trojan , Dreb , Dunrape , Elem , Enigma´s Setup Trojan , Executor , Exploder , FlashKiller , Forced Entry , Funny trojan , Fuqer , GabanBus , GirlFriend , Hack´a´Tack , Happy99 , Hard Drive Filler , Hfour , Host Control , IceCubes , Inet , Intruse , Io , IRC 3 , Kid Terror , Kriz , Kuang2 , Kuang2 the virus , Letter , MainLine , MarkJ Virus , MotIv FTP , Mypic , NetBus 2.0 Pro Hidden , NetBus Offline Hunter , NetBus worm , NetRex , NetSnooper Gold , OpC BO , Password Steal trojan 7 , Phram , Portacopo:br , Priority , Pzychotron (was Lotus) , Rasmin , Remote Boot Tool , Remote Grab , RingZero , Ripper Pro , Rocket , Sanctuary , Secret Service , ServeMe , Share All Your Knowledge , Sheep , Shockrave , Shtirlitz , Sk Silencer , Smorph , SniperNet , SoftWAR , Spirit 2000, Spirit 2001 , Stoogy , Swift Remote , Sysmon , T06 trojan , Telestore , Terror trojan , Tiles , TransScout , Trojan Cow , trojanized ProMail , Truva Atl , WinHole , WinNuke eXtreame , WinPC , WinRAT , WinsKill , Winsp00fer , Virtual Hacking Machine - VHM , VooDoo Doll , Wyrvious Invisible Mailer , X-bill
Works on Windows 95 and 98 (English or French versions), together with MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows 95 and 98 (maybe on NT), together with MS Outlook Express.
Bad Blood
Works on Windows 95 and 98 (only Traditional Chinese versions), together with MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows 95 and 98 and OS/2, together with Novell NetWare.
Works on Windows 95 and NT.
Crowl trojan , GRIC , Hpteam mail
Works on Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP.
Idiot NBInfector
Works on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS MSN Messinger and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, MS Word 2000, MS Excel and mIRC.
Works on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP, together with MS Outlook, mIRC and Kazaa P2P networks.
Works on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP.
AceBot , Infinaeon , Ultimax
Works on Windows 98, ME, NT and 2000.
Works on Windows 98, ME and 2000.
Smoke Downloader
Works on Windows 98, NT and 2000, together with MS Outlook.
Works on Windows 98, NT and 2000.
Works on Windows 98, together with AOL 4.
Works on Windows 98, together with MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook and mIRC.
Works on Windows 98, together with mIRC.
Works on Windows 98.
Excalibur , Oblivion , Parkin , Schneckenkorn , Sensive , SysProtect 98 , Win98 Patch
Works on Windows 98 and 2000, and Windows 95 together with Windows Scripting Host (WSH).
Works on Windows 98 and 2000, together with MS Outlook.
Works on Windows 98 and 2000.
HTTPT , Singularity , SPS Keylog , tcp shell
Works on Windows 98 and ME, together with MS Outlook and mIRC.
Works on Windows 98 and ME.
Cyber-Hazard , NeuroticKat
Works on Windows 98 and NT, together with MS Internet Explorer 5.
Evil HTML Share
Works on Windows 98 and NT, together with MS Outlook, MS Office 2000 and MS Internet Explorer.
Works on Windows ME, 2000 and XP.
Bound File Extractor
Works on Windows NT, 2000 and XP, together with Shockwave.
Works on Windows NT, 2000 and XP.
Aphex WebDownloader LITE , Armageddon , Bingle , Dalbug , Delf , EggHead , Huey , Net-Devil , Nople , RemoteNC , Specrem
Works on Windows NT, together with MS Internet Information Server (IIS).
BackGate Kit , Code Green , Hackyou
Works on Windows NT, together with the trojan BackGate.
Works on Windows NT.
Admin trojan , Cyber Sensor , Kikzyurarse , Network Terrorist , Remote Control NT , Rootkit IDA , Spying King , Stacheldraht NT , trojanized Netcat
Works on Windows NT 3.
Works on Windows NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Information Server (IIS).
Works on Windows NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Information Server (ISS) 4.
Code Red
Works on Windows NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Information Server and Mirc32.
Works on Windows NT and 2000, together with MS Internet Information Service.
Code Blue
Works on Windows NT and 2000.
Energy , FakeGINA , Gina Trojan , Jestro , NT RootKit , Rootcmd , Smallfeg , WinZapper
Works on Windows NT and 2000 with NTFS formatted drives, together with MS Outlook.
Works on Windows NT and Unix (Linux).
HTTP Tunnel
Works on Windows NTand 2000.
Works on Windows Windows 95, 98 and ME.
Agent 40421
Works on Windows XP.
NetBus XP , Reboot
Works on Windows (English, Spanish and Portugues versions), together with MS Internet Explorer 5.
Works on Windows and Macintosh, together with MS Word and mIRC.
Works on Windows and Palm OS.
Works on Windows and Unix.
Works on Windows and on (Unix (Linux).
Works on Winows, together with mIRC.
Works on Winows.
GMW , Loding , Vanina
Works on ly on DOS 3.
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