Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trojan list by Action Based

Trojan list sorted on action
AIM trojan
a3i , AIM Fire , AIM Robber
AOL trojan
AOL 79316 trojan , AOL Patch PWS , AOL Trojan 1525 , AOL trojan 9 , AOL trojan Click , AOLPic , Dream Punter , Siteno , Winsyst
AOL trojan / AIM trojan
Mini AIM Trojan
AOL trojan / Destructive trojan
AOL Gold Trojan , AOL4FREE
AOL trojan / Mail trojan
ActiveX trojan
Direcory Rename , Exploder , FinalX , Runner , SendFile
Anonymous mailer / Mail proxy
Illusion Mailer
Anti-protection trojan
AntiSec , Armageddon , AV Kill , AVKillah , Backstealth , fwkill , Killer SRN , KKiller , NetBuster Killer , SubSeven Regenerator , TR Killer
Anti-protection trojan / Destructive trojan
FireCracker , Fuqer , Optix Killer , Porky , ZA Killer , Zone Killer
Anti-protection trojan / Downloading trojan
kiLLer , Lame Webdownloader , Shut-it Downloader
Anti-protection trojan / Hacking tool / Destructive trojan
DAT Killer , FireKiller 2000
Anti-protection trojan / ICQ trojan / Destructive trojan
Oggy Froggy
Anti-protection trojan / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / MSN trojan / Peer-to-peer trojan / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access
, Armageddon.B , Beast , Diagcfg , JustJoke Pro , Kryost , Optix Lite Firewall Bypass Special Addition , Schneckenkorn , SpArTa , Truva Atl
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Destructive trojan
Danton , Dipti5
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Destructive trojan / Hacking tool
The Killer Trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / DoS tool / Downloading trojan
Wow 23
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Downloading trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Eavesdropper / Steals passwords / DoS tool
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / FTP server
Hellz Addiction
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / FTP server / Downloading trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / FTP server / IRC trojan / Hacking tool
Dark FTP
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Hacking tool
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Hacking tool / Trojan constructor / Downloading trojan
Senna Spy Trojan Generator
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Hacking tool / Trojan dropper
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / ICQ trojan / Hacking tool / Port scanner / Port proxy
SubSeven 2.1 Gold
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / IP scanner
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / IRC trojan / DoS tool
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / IRC trojan / Telnet trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger
BrainSpy , NeuroticKat , PitFall
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Downloading trojan / LAN trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / FTP server
Silent Spy
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / LAN trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Port proxy / FTP server / Remote peeker
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Proxy / FTP server / Telnet server
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / SMTP server / Downloading trojan / Destructive trojan
Optix Lite
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords
CyberSpy , Massaker
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / AIM trojan
Fear , MicroSpy
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / FTP server
Optix Pro , R0xr4t
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Hacking tool / Destructive trojan
711 trojan (Seven Eleven)
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Hacking tool / Proxy / Destructive trojan
BLA trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / ICQ trojan / IRC trojan / AOL trojan / Port scanner / IP scanner / DoS tool / Remote peeker / Eavesdropper / Downloading trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan / EXE compressor
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Network trojan / IP scanner
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Port scanner
AntiLamer BackDoor , Olive
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Remote peeker
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Remote peeker / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Remote peeker / Eavesdropper
Beeone GUI
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Keylogger / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / HTTP server
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Stealing passwords
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Steals passwords
, Acid Shivers , JustJoke , Xtcp
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Steals passwords / Hacking tool
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Steals passwords / IRC trojan / Port scanner
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Steals passwords / Telnet server
Galaxy Remote Manager
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Steals passwords / Worm / IRC trojan / Network trojan / Distributed DoS tool / Downloading trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Steals pwasswords / ICQ trojan / IP sniffer / AIM trojan / MSN trojan / Downloading trojan / / Eavesdropper / EXE binder / SMTP server / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Worm / IRC trojan / Network trojan / Yahoo trojan / Destructive trojan / Virus / HTTP server
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / MSN trojan / AIM trojan / DoS tool
Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Worm / Network trojan / DoS tool / Telnet server / Virus dropper / Prank trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Steals passwords
Eurosol , Fi 7 , SoapSpy
Anti-protection trojan / Trojan constructor / Worm constructor
Anti-protection trojan / Virus
Anti-protection trojan / Worm
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / IRC trojan / Kazaa trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / IRC trojan / Mail trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Kazaa trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / ICQ trojan / IRC trojan / DoS tool
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan
Arica , Eris
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / DoS tool
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / ICQ trojan / MSN trojan / Kazaa trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / MSN trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / Kazaa trojan / eDonkey trojan / SMTP server / Virus / DoS tool
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / MSN trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / SMTP server / Virus dropper / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / Virus dropper / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / SMTP server / ICQ trojan / MSN trojan / Yahoo trojan
Yaha.E, F, G
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / Virus dropper / Network trojan / ICQ trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Network trojan / DoS tool / Hacking tool / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Remote Access / Mail trojan / Downloading trojan / Destructive trojan
Anti-protection trojan / Worm / Virus Dropper / Mail trojan / IRC Trojan / Destructive trojan
Attack tool
Autodialing trojan / DoS tool
Autodialing trojan / Mail trojan
BAT virus
9x Log'n , A UDP backdoor , Agent 40421 , B2 , BackWhore , Bash-door , Connect-Back Backdoor , Double Dragon Backdoor , Eshell , False , FreeBSD LKM , Frontdoor , Generic backdoor , gH CGI Backdoor , Grlogin , Gummo , ICMP Backdoor , ICMP remote shell backdoor server , inetdfun , lbk , Linux loadable kernel module backdoor , login , Login trojan , md5 Backdoor , NTFX , OpenSSH backdoor , ovasOn , Pass , Sm4ck , Sockdmini , Solo , Sp00fed TCP Shell (Spoofed) , TCP remote shell backdoor , THC Backdoor - Linux , THC Backdoor - OpenBSD , TrojanIt kit , trojanized Dsniff , trojanized Fragroute , trojanized Fragrouter , trojanized Sendmail , UDP backdoor , UDP remote shell backdoor server , Universal login trojan , Universal trojan , Vexed , Woowoo
Backdoor / Binder
Backdoor / IRC trojan
HeLLfiRez Inv mIRC Backdooring Kit
Backdoor / Keylogger
UDP Raw Backdoor
Backdoor / Network sniffer / hacking tool
Backdoor / Remote Access
Apache backdoor
Backdoor / Remote Access / Tunneling software
Tunnel Shell
Backdoor / Rootkit
trojanized OpenSSH
Backdoor / Worm / IRC trojan / Proxy / Distributed DoS tool
Binding tool
Bound File Extractor
CGI logger
Bionet CGI logger , Black-Fire Logger , BlackFire´s CGI Logger , RA Logger , Theef CGI logger
CGI trojan
phf.c , Test CGI trojan
DOS tool
Destrictive trojan
Destructive trojan
A.O.M. Trojan , AIDS , Aids , Asit , AutoExec.Trojan , AVMT , Back Find , Big Brother , Billrus , Bleem Station , Blue Sky , Bomb-Sim , BuggyHidp , BuggyShell , Bugshell , Burn , Bye Trojan , Calculus , Caller , Cat_Food Trojan , Catman trojan , CCDKey , Celeanum , CGA Driver trojan , ChaseButton , Cmoskill , CMP , Coke trojan , Compact Pro 1.41 , Conddsk , Cvir trojan , Cybermattixx , Danschl , Data Rape , Dead Bolt , Death Penalty Suite , Deathpr , Delete trojan , Delpart , Deltree , Delwin.D , Die Loser , Die Modem , Digital Chaos , Doh! , Dosvir , Dreb , Enimen , EX_Folder , FakeHost , Fatkill , File Nail , Fire , FireAnvil , Font Finder , Fuck , Garlic , Geoff , Giggle , Giri , Gloom & Doom Trojan , Got You , HackBBS , HackIt , Hard Drive Anihalator , Hard Drive Killer Pro , HardLock.618 , HD Crascher , HD Killer , HD Lockup , HD trojan , HD Zap , Hiyoya , IconLib , ICQ Crack , InSchool , Install Trojan , Install trojan , Killboot , KillCMOS , Killer EYS , Killman , Letter , Lview , Lys , Malicious , MasterLock , Math Is Fun , Megabyte , Megachar , Megaword , Misery1_Trojan , Mortuary , Mosaic , Moscas , MSK , MultiPad , Nariz , NatalCom , Neer , Nexzusdamus , Night , Nuker , NukeX , OverQuota , Papeator , Penis trojan , Pong , Portacopo:br , Psycho´s Nightmare , PublicEnemy , PushBoot , Qfat , Qstart , QZap14 , Radlight , Rasmin , Rizal , Scan Trojan , Sex 2000 , SFind , Shnaz , Silly Willy , Spaces , Spam , Splatter , Spoof95 trojan , Sysbat , Tami54 , Telestore , Terminator , The Y2Kaos trojan , Thrill Kill , TNO , Trash trojan , Trojan Attack , Twelve Tricks , Typhoon , Ugly trojan , Vacinsa , War Tools , Varo31 , VC 6 , Whiter , Win Genocide , Winator , WindowsKiller , WinDuke , WinFont , WinFuck , WinFucker , WinPatch , XalNaga , Zap File , Zip trojan
Destructive trojan / Distributed DoS Tool
Funtime Apocolypse
Destructive trojan / Trojan dropper
Graphics Accelerator
Distributed DoS tool
Autocrat , CrackerBox , DDNSF , Dest , FAPI , Freak88, Freak2k , Hospitable Nuker , Mstream , Omega , Stacheldraht NT , Storm , Trank , Tribe Flood Network , Tribe Flood Network 2K , Trinoo
Distributed DoS tool / IRC trojan
Distributed DoS tool / Steals passwords
DoSD tool
DoS tool
AdonAi , Chico , DieWar , Icenuker , IGMNuke , IGMP Nuke , PortFuck , Shutup , Tosser , WinsKill , Voob
DoS tool / Downloading trojan
DoS tool / ICQ trojan / Steals passwords (?)
DoS tool / Mail bomber
Downloading trojan
Aphex WebDownloader , Aphex WebDownloader LITE , BioNet Lite , Byterate , Digital Upload Trojan , dlx webdownloader , DS Web Downloader , EES Sinister Uploader , Elf , Evil HTML Format , Evil HTML Share , Factory , Fearless IE Exploiter , Fearless Webdownloader , G-Spot WWW , Godwill Thin God , GR , ILL-Eagle , Intruder Mr. Q , Iowa's Webdownloader , K.B.L. WebdownLoader , Kcom Downloader , Mini Oblivion , Mini Web Downloader , Mini-GiFt , MiniBless , Qroject DualDownloader , Qroject MultiDownloader , Qroject WebDownloader , Texron , Theef Download Creator , Theef LE , Webdownloader , Whomp Downloader , zget
Downloading trojan / EXE binder
Silk Rope
Downloading trojan / FTP server
Golden Retriever , Invisible FTP
Downloading trojan / ICQ trojan
K.B.L. Uploader
Downloading trojan / IRC trojan / ActiveX trojan / Hacking tool / Sniffer
Downloading trojan / LAN trojan
Institution FWB
Downloading trojan / Macro trojan
Downloading trojan / Mail trojan / ActiveX trojan
Downloading trojan / Trojan constructor
Polymorphic Web Downloader Generator
Double Fever , Shell Dropper
EXE Binder
EXE binder
Alloy Executable Compiler , Asylum Binder , Attach , Big Jack Joiner , Binder , Bindery , Binding Suite , Blade Joiner , c400s Binder , c400s Simple Binder , DRaT Binder , Dropper Gen , Elite Wrapper , eLiTeWrap , Embedder , EXE Bind , Exe maker , Exebind , Fake eXe , FC Exe binder , Fearless Joiner , File Binder , File Joiner , Gobo Wrap , Joiner , Junator , Juntador , Multi binder , Newblade , Oblivion Joiner , Packer 95 , PE-intro adder , PowerMerger , RAT packer , Remodulator , RNS Exe Joiner , Saran Wrap , Senna Spy One EXE Maker , Snow , Sudden Discharge Compressor , tELock , TOP , Trojan Hide Tool , Weird Binder , X-Exe Joiner , Yet Another Binder , Zyon multibinder
EXE binder / EXE compressor
Stealth Tools
EXE compressor
ASPack , Diet , ExeSmasher , LXW , NeoLite , Noodler , PE Bundle , PE Diminisher , PECompact , PEPack , Petite , PKLite , Shrinker , Ultimate Packer for eXecutables , Vise , WWPack32
EXE joiner
Calimocho , Zombie Joiner
AudioDoor , Hacker's Best Friend , Streaming Audio Trojan
Eavesdropper / Remote peeker
Multimedia, Lithium plug-in
FTP server
3D Tetris , AKcom FTP , Aphex FTP , Attack FTP , c400s FTP server , Cattivik FTP Server , Diem´s Mutter FTP , Evil FTP , FTP Binder , FTP99CMP , Goy'Z TroJan , Joker´s FTP , Kcom FTP (port can be changed) , Lil Witch FTP , Little Witch FTP , MotIv FTP , Najort , Phantom FTP , Phantom FTP server , Senna Spy 2001 , Senna Spy FTP server , ServeMe , ServU , The Flu , Total Solar Eclypse , Traitor 21 , Ugly FTP
FTP server / IRC trojan
HTML trojan / Destructive trojan
HTML trojan / Downloading trojan
God Message Asylum
HTML virus
HTTP server
easyServ , Eighty , Espionage , Infamy , Invisible Webserver
Hacker tool
CGI Notify
Hacker tool / Sniffer
LAN Sniffer
Hacking tool
Autoftp1 , Bundy , CrazzyNet Scanner , Devious ICQ Notify , Enigma´s Setup Trojan , Fearless Lookout Exploit Generator , Free JC suite , Harvester , ICQ Pager , Kuang Updater , Latex , Lobo , NCX , Net Controller Port Finder , Process Stack Faker , RC5 Trojan , ScannDALO , SecHole , Senna Spy Local Network Shared 2000 , ShareSniffer , Small Share , StartPage , SubCracker , System Info , WinZapper
Hacking tool / Notifier
DNS Notify , Net-Devil CGI-logger , Screw Notifier
Hacking tool / Port scanner
Aggressor Exploit Generator , DarkScan
Harmless Demo-trojan
Finjan trojan
Hidden C: share / FTP server / Network trojan
Share All Your Knowledge
Hostile Applet
Hostile JavaApplet
ICQ trojan
ICQ Fucker , ICQ House , ICQ IP Sniffer , ICQ Notify , ICQ War 2000 , ICQ99 War Suite , Schwartz
ICQ trojan / Downloading trojan
ICQ trojan / Mail bomber
ICQ trojan / Steals passwords / Mail trojan / Proxy
ICQ Relay
ICQ trojan / Trojan dropper
IRC trojan
Boost It , BTNG , CrazzyIRC , DarkBot , Dead , Decode , DivX , Dog trojan , Dolly the Sheep , DWsetup , EXbuz , Fabio , Gangsta , gIrc 2k , Glutton , Hype , ipExec , IRC Bot , KnightBot , Korpie , Lite , Mafiosos , Magical 7 , Medusa , mirc55t , PAL , Popups5 , Projax , Sender , SenSi , Speak Easy , SubSeven scripts , The Spy Mirc , Unreal , Watal , WinHelper , WW III , YahooHack
IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
IRC trojan / Distributed DoS tool / Steals passwords
IRC trojan / DoS tool
IRC trojan / DoS tool / Downloading trojan
G-Spot IRC
IRC trojan / FTP server
MovieWorld , srvcp
IRC trojan / FTP server / Trojan dropper
IRC trojan / ICQ trojan
IRC trojan / ICQ trojan / Destructive trojan
HeLLfiReZ IRCQ Mass Killer
IRC trojan / ICQ trojan / Network trojan
IRC trojan / Java Script
IRC trojan / Remote Access
Judgement Day
IRC trojan / Virus
IRC trojan / Worm dropper / Network trojan / Destructive trojan
IRemote Access / RC trojan
Slak Bot
JavaScript trojan
Germinal , Seeker
Java virus
Joner / Prank trojan
Iowa's Joke Maker
2k Keylogger , 9x Int 09 Moniter , AGM65 Keylog , ComputerSpy , Cousin , Dark Omen , DGS Key Logger , Diablo Min , Dreamscape , ev0luti0n HTTP keylogger , Ghost Keylogger , GhostSpy , God Keylogger , GOD Remote Keylogger , Hellz Little Spy - HLS , Hook Input , Hookdump , ik 97 , ILL Logger , Impossible , Invisible KeyLogger , Kbman , KCR , Keykeeper , KeyKey , Keylog! , Keylog-C , Keylog95 , Keylogwn , Kuang2 loggerAS , Linspy , Locha , Log , Logger , MicroLog , MSD , MSGate , Netrecorder , Offline Keylogger, MoSucker plug-in , OnLine KeyLogger , PC Protect , Pest Remote Keylogger , Phantom 2 , Pino Keylogger , Remote Keylogger , RNS Keylogger , SC-Keylog , skl0g , Sol 2.6 keylogger , Spoofedlogin , SpOOkeys Keylogger , Stealth Activity Recorder & Reporter - STARR , Stealth Keyboard Interceptor Auto Sender , Stukach , Telnet Keylogger , The Spy , Typerec , TypeRecorder , w95log , Winchkr , WM Remote KeyLogger
Keylogger / Activity logger
System Spy
Keylogger / Downloading trojan
Acid Reign
Keylogger / ICQ trojan
Keylogger / Spyware
Invisible Activity Spy
Keylogger / Steals passwords
007 Stealth Activity Monitor - SAM , GetIt Keylogger , Hack´99 KeyLogger , Inet , MMedia support , Molecule , RAS Faker , Retrieve , Ripper Pro , Win Pass , Winrep32
Keylogger / Steals passwords / Downloading trojan
Keylogger / Steals passwords / ICQ trojan / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan / EXE binder / Trojan dropper
Keylogger / Steals passwords / SMTP server
JanNet Remote Keylogger
Keylogger / Worm / Mail trojan / Destructive trojan
Local Access
MSN trojan
Hack Hotmail
Macro trojan
17th.Inst , Amg , Beast.41472 , Boring , FormatC , Hider , Nikita , QRabid , Remplace , Thief , Wiederoeffnen
Macro trojan / Destructive trojan
Pacol , Reizfaktor , Tvangeste
Macro trojan / Steals passwords
Macro virus
Macro virus / Mail trojan
Antimarc , Cham , Class , Evolution , Lucia , Ping
Macro virus / Steals passwords / Destructive trojan
Macro virus / Trojan dropper
Macro virus / Trojan dropper / Destructive trojan
Macro virus / Trojan dropper / Remote Access
Mail trojan
, Boshka , Enaid , Mail Notifer Editor , Mentat , PLICT , Remote Bomber , Soshka , SpawnMail , StealthMail , Trapdoor , Uncensored , Wyrvious Invisible Mailer , Zoory
Mail trojan / Autodialer / ICQ trojan / Steals passwords / Destructive trojan
Moscow Email trojan
Mail trojan / FTP server
MBT , Secure Anonymous Mail Bomber - SAMB
Network trojan / Destructive trojan
FileCoder , Rf Poison
Network trojan / DoS tool
Kpager , Nawai , SatanzCrew Notifier
Novell NetWare trojan / Virus dropper / DoS tool / Destructive trojan
Palm trojan / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Plug-in / Notifier
Butt Trumpet
Port connector
Port scanner
Prank trojan
3troj , Alarm , Alerta , Allure , Alone , Annoy , Bearded , BluDisk , ButtonF , Canasson 13 , Cokegift , Cutev , Dap , Delete Spoof trojan , DirtyGuy , DiskAdmin , Eat Screen trojan , Fake , Fake virii , Fake Y2K , Flying Butterflies , Fooled , Freezer virus , Froggie , Ftrojan , Fuzzynut , Ghost , Ghost Girl , Gravedad , HD Fill , Heckler , IconDance , Idiot , ISP Dialer , Joke Rabbit , Junnan , KeyPanic , Knijpme , Liquid , Lockdown , LoveYou , Mouse Joke , Never Ending Story , No Vowel Prank , Parkin , Parody , Printer Spitter , Puzzle , QSD23 , QtroDel / QreoDel , RAM Eater , Rembomb , Remote Boot Tool , Remote Modem Control , Sevgi , Suffer , Tepille , The Freezer , The Nix , Titanic , Trembler , UpSideDown , Warning , WinError , WinLoop , WKeyKill
Prank trojan / Destructove trojan
Proxy server
Stealth Proxy
Rem,ote Access
MLink , Pornu
Remote Access
, , , A new trojan , Acid Battery 2000 , Acid Juice Rat , Acid Shiver (Lm) , Acid Trojan Horse , Acidhead , AcidkoR , Admire , AeonwindDoll , Aibolit , AiTrojan , AL-Bareki , AlexMessoMalex trojan , AlexTrojan , Alien Hacker , Almaster , Alpha Dog , Alvgus trojan 2000 , Alysium , Amitis , Anthena , AntiLamer Light , AntiLaw , Apophis Spy , Arcanum , Argentino , Armageddon , Armageddon , Arsd , Arturik , Asgood , ASniffer , ASpam , Asuit , Asylum 0.1.4 FE , Asylum Multipager , ASync , Atom , Back End , Back Fire , Back Orifice , Back Orifice 2000 , Back Orifice Communications Library , Back Orifice (Lm) , Back Orifice Mac , Back Orifice russian , Back streets , Backage , Backdoor Rat , BackDoor-G , BackdoorG-DLL trojan , BackHoe , BackSocket , BacKWindowS , Bad Boy Killa , Barisot , Basic Hell , BbaBort , BD-Mania , BDDT , BDE , Bee One , Belgerim , Bigorna , bindshell , BirdSPY , Bitar , BitchController , Black Diver , Black Ice , BlackDoor , BlackHole , Blade Runner , Blade&Home , Blakharaz , Blamm , Blazer5 , Bmail , BNC , BO2 , Boiling , BOWhack , Bowl , BSE , Bugs , Busters , ButtMan , C.H.C.B. , CANCER , Carved , cd00r , CDU´s Backdoor , CGI Backdoor , Ch3 , Charge , ClepToManiacos , CMJSpy , CNK , ColdLoad , Coma , Comando trojan , Connect4 , ConTempt , Control Access , Control Panel , Control trojan , Controlo do Virus , CookieMonster , Cool Remote Control , CoolCat , , CrazyMan , Cuhmap , Cyber Sensor , Cybernetic Cowb0y´s NetBus , Dagger , Daniel , Daodan , Dark Connection Inside , Dark Nova , Dark Shadow , Dark Zone , David , DeadCow , Death , Death , DeathWare , Deep BO , Delf.C , Delta Source , Derek , Deve´s Client / Server , Devil , Diego , Diem´s Mutter , Digital RootBeer , Dimbus , Direct Connection , Divine , Dizer , DLP , DM , DMX , DNS , Dobol , Dog´s Bollocks , Dosh , DRAT , DT Cold , DU , Eclipse 2000 , Eclypse , El Diabolo , EnCuLaToR , Enterprise , EuroCalculator , Event Horizon , Eventor , Evil Goar , EvilBot , Examehell , executor 2 , Expir , Expjan , External Access , EZ KiLLA , Fade Door , Fake , Fake Server , Falken , Fantast , Fantasy , Fastwalk , Fatal Connections , Feeth , Fenster , Feri , Feric , Feuerleiter , Fire HacKer , FireBird , Firehotcker , Fof , Fonly , Fono , FontManager , Forced Entry , Fore , Fosen , Fox , FoxEyes , FQ , Frapes , Fred 2001 , FreddyK ASE , Frenzy , Frozen , Fuck AVP , Fuck Lamers Backdoor , FunFactory , G.R.O.B. , G-Spot , GabanBus , Gamble Hack , GarGaMeL Remote Spy , Gaura , GCSI , GDoor , Gecky , GeneralDriver , Genue , Gholame , GirlBoy , GlacXP , Gnome , Goliaphm , Gonji , Grab , Granst , Greek Hackers Rat , Guard , Gulzan , GüTyKa Spy , H04x3r Telnet Server , Hack Server , Hacker Brasil , Hacker´s Heaven , Hacker World , Hackerz Backdoor , Hacore , HalloDoor , Havocore , Haxxor , Hell-Driver , Hidedoor , HomeUNIX , Host Control Professional , Hvl RAT , Ice Storm Killerz , ICMIBS , ICMP Shell , ID 2001 , Iexplore5 , IIS Crack , Imort , Imploder , Incognito , Ineta , Infanu , Infra Red Trojan , Ini-Killer , Insane Network , Insult Media , InSurector , Intended , Internal Revise , Internet Tracker , Intruder , Intruder , Intruse , Intruser , Inuk , Invisible Hunter , Invisible Identd Deamon , Ipxctrl , ItAdEm , J4Y , Jerwin , JZ , Kaos , Kaos modified , Kavar , Kayo , Keeper , Kenny , KeyHook , Khaos , Khe Sanh , KillDientes , KiLo , KingSoft , Kiss , KS Rain Manager , Lame , Lamers Death , LameSpy , Lan Bypasser , LAN Hacker , Lanbyte , Laocoon , Lazy Admin , Leon , Leszcz , Leuctra , Level One , Lez trojan , Likun , LittleBusters , Live List , Live Wite , Lohoboyshik , Longvi , LookSpy , LRAM KiT 98 BR , Lula , Lurker , Ma petite amie , MackBack , Mad Rat , MadBus , MagicCall , MainLine , Mantis , Mard , Masters Paradise , Meet the Lamer , Menajeto , Micha II , Millenium (Lm) , Mini Command , Mini Evangelion , Mini Glitch , Minicom , MMX , Mneah , Momaker , Monk , Mozilla , Musdie , Myst Eclipse , Nakter Affe , Napalm , Nauka , NB Spy , NB5566 , NBHack , NBPro20Reg , Ndad , Nemesis , NeoArk , Neoturk , Nephron , Net Advance , Net Boost , Net Hero , Net Metropolitan , NetAmine , NetBoy , NetBus 2.0 Pro , NetBus 2.0 Pro Hidden , NetBus Offline Hunter , Netbus Password Hacker , NetBus patches , NetBus XP , NetControle , NetControle , NetDemon , NetEyes , Netget , Netkey , Netministrator , Netmon , NetRaider , NetRex , NETrojan , NetSid , NetSpy , NetTaxi , NetTrash , NetTrojan , Netware Trojan , Network Terrorist , NetX Remote Like , NetXDetect , Neurotic Kitten , New Silencer , Nightmare , Nirvana , NovaPasta , NssKill , NT Remote Controller 2000 , Oblivion , Omega , Onalf , One of the Last Trojans , One of the Last Trojans , One Windows Trojan , OneTime , OnLine , Onliner , OpC BO , OpwinTRojan , Oracle , Orig , Pantheon , Paradise trojan , Paragon Network , Parasite , Pasana , Payback , PC Remote Control , Peanut Brittle , Peeper , Phase Zero, Phase-0 , Phineas Phucker , Phoenix II , Pioneer , Pipes , Pizza , Pneuma , Porkodio , Portal of Doom , Predator , ProcessMate , Project nEXT , Provder , Prowler , Pseudo RAT , Psychothug , Pzychotron (was Lotus) , Qiwei , QueBus , Quetnek , Quimera , R16 , rada-tat-RAT , Ramus , Rathead , Rawin , RC1 trojan , Real 2000 , RedShad , Regap , RemEye , Remod , Remote Administration Tool - RAT [no 2] , Remote Administration Window , Remote Administrator , Remote Anything , Remote Control , Remote Control NT , Remote Controler , Remote Explorer Y2K , Remote Eye , Remote HAVOC , Remote Operations , Remote Revise , Remote Saucer , Remote Screen Capture , Remote XS , RemoteHAK , Remove Anything , RemScan , Rendezvous , Retribution , Revel , Reverse Pimpage , REx , RexxRave , RHS , Ric , Ricta , RIP , RM Toolkit , Robo-Hack , Ros , Russian Guard trojan , Sanctuary , Sazo , /sbin/initd , Scanboot , Schedan , Scheduling , Scorpina , Scream , Seamy , Sean , SecureWin , Sensive , Sequel Remote Control , Servidor , Shaden , Shadenfreude , Shadow Remote Administrator , Shaggy , Shah , Shang , Sheepshank , Shipper , Shit Heep , Shivka-Burka , Shockrave , Shut All , Silent Warrior , Silly , Siner , Singularity , SKOSX , SkyRat , Slayv Axis , Snack trojan , Snex , SniperNet , Socia , Sohoanywhere , Solaris , Solid Gold , Sonitro , Sood , Spadeace , Specrem , Sphere , Spie , Spy , Spying King , SSH Backdoor , SShare 2 , Stang , Starline , Stats , Stealth Spy , STL , Sub7xXx , SubSeven Java client , SubSeven Mac , Subwoofer , Sumatrix , Super Spy , SuperMM , Swarm , SweetHeart , Sweetheart Skyfire , Swift Remote , Symopro , SysExploit , SysOCXDLL , System 33 , Systsecure , Talex , TaskMon , TCC , TCP Door , TelDetect , TeleCommando , Telnet Pro , THC Backdoor - Windows , The Hobbit Daemon , The Prayer , The ReVeNgEr , The Ripper , The Thing (modified) , Third Eye , Threat , Thunderstorm , Tini , Tiny Telnet Server - TTS , Tobizan , Tomato , Tomek , Tornado , Total Controll , Toxic Ultima , Transmitter , Troj2k , Trojan Cow , trojanized Portmap Remote Root Linux Exploit , TRP , Tubma , U321 , Ultimate RAT , Ultors Trojan , Ulysses , Uncap , Undernet , Unin68 , VaivNet , ValvNet , Valvoline , WAN Remote , Wanadoo , WarFactory , Way , VB Troyen , wh-crew Spy , Whirlpool , Wildek , WinControl , WinData , WinMap , Wintrix , Vireus , Virtual Bus , Virtual Hacking Machine - VHM , WMFA , VooDoo Doll , VP Killer , Wukaz , XHX , Xposure , Xremote , Xzip 6000068 , Y-Voice , Yagoda , YAI , Yajing , Yet Another Trojan , Zany , Zap , Zaratustra , ZKT , Zmutovanej Netbus , Zombie , Zomby , ZSpy II
Remote Access T Telnet trojan
Remote Access / AIM trojan
AIM Filter , AIMaster , Propel
Remote Access / AOL trojan
AOL trojan , Remote Administration Tool - RAT
Remote Access / AOL trojan / IRC trojan
Remote Access / AOL trojan / IRC trojan / AIM trojan
Remote Access / Backdoor
TCP Wrappers trojan
Remote Access / Backdoor / Tunneling software
Remote Access / Destructive trojan
Arctic Warfare Device , Chupacabra , Last Door , Metal trojan , MonaGun , Net Spider , PC Crasher , Ping server , PlayX , Skun , Striker trojan , T06 trojan
Remote Access / Destructive trojan / Virus dropper
Host Control
Remote Access / Destructive trojan (?)
Remote Access / Distributed DoS tool / Steals passwords
Remote Access / DoS tool
7th Sphere , Excalibur , Joker
Remote Access / DoS tool / Hacking tool / Port scanner / IP scanner
Remote Access / Downloading trojan
Ambush , File Manager trojan , Fuse , G-Spot Tight , In Route to the Hell , Inferno Industries Uploader , Laphex , Last 2000 , Mini Asylum , RUX The TIc.K , Smoke Downloader , The Unexplained , Tripod , Web Asylum , WebDownloader
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / Destructive trojan
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / FTP server
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / ICQ trojan
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / ICQ trojan / FTP server
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / Port scanner
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / Worm / Mail trojan
Remote Access / Downloading trojan / Worm / Network trojan
Remote Access / EXE binder
Concealer , Snid
Remote Access / EXE infector
Funny trojan
Remote Access / Eavesdropper
Psyber Stream Server , Schwindler , Streaming Audio Server , Voice , Voice Spy
Remote Access / FTP server
Anal FTP , Back Construction , BSDi , Casus , CC Invader , CRS-Gate , CyberSpy FTP , DarkStar Deep Throat server , Digital Spy , Ducktoy , Foreplay , Jade , Juggernaut 42 , Levon , Mosaic , My Very Own trojan , Net Administrator , Niklaus , PC Invader , PLD , Senna Spy Auto Trojan , SpySender , Tela , WebEx , WM FTP Server , wu-ftpd trojan
Remote Access / FTP server / IP scanner
RTB 666
Remote Access / FTP server / IRC trojan
NewsTick , Under
Remote Access / FTP server / IRC trojan / Distributed DoS tool
Dark IRC
Remote Access / FTP server / IRC trojan / Telnet server
Remote Access / FTP server / Steals passwords
Deep Throat
Remote Access / FTP server / Telnet trojan
Remote Access / HTTP server
iwAnywhere , RemoConChubo , Web Server CT
Remote Access / HTTP server / IRC trojan / Distributed DoS tool / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / HTTP server / Java trojan
Brown Orifice
Remote Access / Hacking tool
Hackin' for Newbies , Neo City , NetBus Toy , The Saint , Windows Remote Administrator Reset
Remote Access / Hacking tool / ICQ trojan
Subseven 2.1.4 DefCon 8
Remote Access / Hacking tool / IP sniffer / Telnet trojan
Ass Sniffer
Remote Access / ICQ trojan
Back Door , Back Door Setup , CFour , Err0r32 , ICQ Pager , nttmyh , Progenic trojan , SPing , The Thing
Remote Access / ICQ trojan / IP notification
Remote Access / ICQ trojan / IRC trojan
PsychWard , Son of PsychWard
Remote Access / ICQ trojan / Trojan dropper
Remote Access / ICQ trojan / Virus
Sockets des Troie
Remote Access / ICQ trojan / Virus dropper
Remote Access / IP scanner
Pinkle , RMF_FN , Ruler , The Matrix
Remote Access / IP scanner / Downloading trojan
Remote Computer Control Center
Remote Access / IRC trojan
Alicia , Alien Spy , Buschtrommel TNG , Control Total , Drive The Bus , EGO , Hidden Port , IRC Contact , IRCBot , JavaKiller , Litmus , Litmus 2a , Moses , My collection , Plugbot , Remote Command Router , SataS Scan Script , Smallfeg , trojanized IRSSI IRC client , Ugy , Wicked Bot , Xot
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Micro Bot
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Distributed DoS tool
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Distributed DoS tool / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / IRC trojan / DoS toll
Remote Access / IRC trojan / DoS tool
Nullbot , SD Bot , Taskman , Weedb0tz
Remote Access / IRC trojan / DoS tool / Nuker
Remote Access / IRC trojan / DoS tool / Proxy / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan
BlackRat , EggHead , Guptachar Remote Administration Tool , McVeigh
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Flooder
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Hacking tool / Port scanner / DoS tool
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Port scanner / Proxy
Shadow Phyre
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Telnet trojan / Tunneling software
Remote Access / IRC trojan / Worm
Remote Access / JavaScript trojan / ActiveX trojan / Destructive trojan
Remote Access / Kerylogger / Steals passwords
DFch Grisch
Remote Access / Keylogger
Achtung! , Avone , Baron Night , CrackDown , Cyber Paky , DarkFace , DP trojan , DTr , F-Backdoor , Fade Remote Control , Frag , Habiti , Hack Office , Infinaeon , Katux Latinus , Logged , Mantice , Miffice , Millenium , Mite , Ninja , Pinochet , Q-taz , SoftWAR , Studio 54 , SubSeven 2.2 beta with loader , Taupe , Ullysse , War trojan , WC Remote Administration Tool , WinRAT , Xanadu , XLog , Xplorer
Remote Access / Keylogger Steals passwords / FTP server
Remote Access / Keylogger / AIM trojan / Prank trojan
GiFt trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Destructive trojan
Duddie , Small Big Brother
Remote Access / Keylogger / Downloading trojan
Bubbel , Remote Storm
Remote Access / Keylogger / Downloading trojan / EXE binder / Prank trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Downloading trojan / FTP server / Destructive trojan
Diablo Keys
Remote Access / Keylogger / Downloading trojan / Port scanner / DoS tool / IRC trojan / Port proxy / Hacking tool / Destructive trojan
DataSpy Network X
Remote Access / Keylogger / Eavesdropper
Remote Access / Keylogger / Eavesdropper / Remote peeker
Remote Access / Keylogger / FTP server
Breach , Cero , For Your Eyes Only , Mirab , Net Controller , Remote Hack
Remote Access / Keylogger / FTP server / Proxy / HTTP server
Remote Access / Keylogger / ICQ trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / IRC trojan
Doly Trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / IRC trojan / FTP server / LAN trojan
Reverse Trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / IRC trojan / IP scanner
Remote Access / Keylogger / MSN trojan
Bneo , Elitem
Remote Access / Keylogger / Mail bomber
Remote Access / Keylogger / Scanner
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals Passwords / AOL trojan / ICQ trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords
Arctic , BO dll , CrazzyNet , Cyber-Hazard , DataRape , Glacier , Hydroleak , iSpyNOW , KrAIMer , Latinus , MoonPie , NerTe , Network Crack Wizard , Osiris , Paltalk , PitFall Surprise Attack , Ptakks , Revenger , Satans Back Door , TransScout , TriRat
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / AIM trojan / Hacking tool / IP scanner
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / DoS tool / AIM trojan / Worm
FraggleRock Lite
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / DoS tool / ICQ trojan / AIM trojan / MSN trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / DoS tool / IP scanner / Port scanner / FTP server
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Downloading trojan / DoS tool
Fraggle Rock
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / EXE binder
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / EXE binder / Destructive trojan
Crat Pro , Secret Service
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Eavesdropper / Remote peeker
D.I.R.T. - Data Interception by Remote Transmission
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Eavesdropper / Remote peeker / Sniffer / Proxy server / Hacking tool / FTP server
SubSeven 2.2
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / FTP server
NetCrack , SubSARI
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / ICQ trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / ICQ trojan / AIM trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / IP Scanner
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / IRC trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / IRC trojan / DoS tool
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Remote peeker / ICQ trojan / IRC trojan / FTP server
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Remote peeker / MSN trojan / Port scanner / Destructive trojan
Remote Access / Keylogger / Trojan dropper
NetBus dropper , Xtreme
Remote Access / Keylogger / Virus dropper
Le Guardien
Remote Access / Keylogger / Virus dropper / ICQ trojan
Der Späher / Der Spaeher
Remote Access / Keylogger / Worm
Remote Access / MSN trojan
Kryptonic Ghost Command Pro , MSN Spider
Remote Access / Macro trojan
Remote Access / Mail bomber / Distributed DoS tool
Remote Access / Mail trojan
Bad Blood , PSYcho Files
Remote Access / Mail trojan / ActiveX trojan / Downloading trojan / Worm
Remote Access / Mail trojan / FTP server
Hpteam mail
Remote Access / Mail trojan / Virus / Worm / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / Network sniffer
Aphex's Remote Packet Sniffer
Remote Access / Network trojan / ICQ trojan / IRC trojan
Remote Access / Novell NetWare trojan
Donald Dick
Remote Access / Port proxy
Remote Access / Port scanner / Steals passwords / Trojan downloader
NetSnooper Gold
Remote Access / Prank trojan
Remote Access / Proxy
WinHole , X Console
Remote Access / Proxy server
Remote Access / Remote peeker
Remote Access / Rootkit / Steals passwords / Downloading trojan / FTP proxy / HTTP proxy / Telnet proxy / SOCKs proxy / Winsock proxy / FTP server
BackGate Kit
Remote Access / Routing trojan / LAN trojan
Remote Access / Setals passwords
B-S Spy
Remote Access / Sniffer
Remote Access / Steals passwords
A-trojan , Axatak , BackLash , Big Gluck , Bingle , BoBo , Dewin , DigitalSpawn RAT , Force , Hackers Paradise , Honeypot , Hummer , Insect , Kid Terror , Krass , Matrix , NetSpy (DK) , Private Port , Protoss , QwErTos RAT , Remote Explorer 2000 , SatanCrew , School Bus , Spirit 2000, Spirit 2001 , Vagr Nocker , Y2Kcount
Remote Access / Steals passwords / AIM trojan
AIM , AIMVision
Remote Access / Steals passwords / AOL trojan / AIM trojan / Eavesdropper
Blood Fest Evolution
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Destructive trojan
CyberJack , Inlo , NoXcape , The Invasor , Windows Mite
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Downloading trojan
Mini BackLash , SheepGoat
Remote Access / Steals passwords / FTP server
Little Witch , OMPN Magic
Remote Access / Steals passwords / FTP server / DoS tool
Acid Battery
Remote Access / Steals passwords / ICQ trojan
Gip , QXRay
Remote Access / Steals passwords / IRC trojan
Acropolis , Kamikaze
Remote Access / Steals passwords / IRC trojan / FTP server
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Mail proxy
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Network trojan / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Port scanner
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Remote Access / Downloading trojan
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Virus dropper
Sk Silencer
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Virus dropper / Virus
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Worm / IRC trojan / Mail trojan
Remote Access / Steals passwords / Worm / Network trojan / IRC trojan
Remote Access / Steals passwords / / AOL trojan / AIM trojan
Cyber Takeover
Remote Access / Telnet server
Backfire , Meta4 Telnet , RAT Pack , RemoteNC
Remote Access / Telnet trojan
Celine , Connector , Farnaz , Lame Remote , Net Grisch , Secret Agent
Remote Access / Trojan Dropper
Black Angel
Remote Access / Trojan dropper
BacHack , BackWeb Server , Cindyply , Delta Remote Access , DGS , DogRev , Idiot NBInfector , Krippled , Movie trojan , Mypic , Net Master , Pie Bill Gates , Retail , Russian Roulette , Sheep , Whack Job , Whack-a-mole , YaBinder
Remote Access / Trojan dropper / Virus
Remote Access / Trojan scanner
Bitchin Threads
Remote Access / Tunneling software
AckCmd , Fryxar , GatSlag , HTTP-Tunnel , Reverse WWW Tunnel Backdoor , Setiri
Remote Access / Virus
Remote Access / Virus / Worm
Remote Access / Virus dropper
Executor , Priority , Terror trojan
Remote Access / Worm / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan / Distributed DoS tool
Remote Access / Worm / Mail trojan / DoS tool / IP sacanner
Remote Access / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Network trojan
Remote Access / Worm / Mail trojan / SMTP server
Remote Access / Worm / Mail trojan / Virus
Senna Spy 2000
Remote Access / Worm constractor
Remote Access (?)
MyRAT , Yippee
Remote Access (for Telegard Systems)
Bypass trojan
Remote access / Keylogger / Steals passwords
Remote peeker
Webcam trojan
Remote shutdown
Remote Windows Shutdown - RWS
Renote Access / IP scanner
Black Angel
AdoreBSD , allroot , Bobkit Linux rootkit , Carogna , Darkside , demonKit , Devil rootkit , DevNull rootkit , Dica , dsc-rootkit , Ducoci rootkit , Dudleyh , Fbsd rootkit , FreeBSD rootkit , HackKit , Heroin , Hidrootkit , Illogic rootkit , Kenny rk , Linux Rootkit III (3) , Linux Rootkit IV (4) , Linux Rootkit V (5) , Linux Rootkit VI (6) , Marry , Monkit , NullSys , OpenBSD rootkit , Optickit , overkill Red Hat 7.0 rootkit , Phide , Pizdakit , RK 17 , Romanian rootkit , Rootkit , Rootkit IDA , Rootkit In A LKM , sArGeAnts Tool Kit , SK rootkit , SunOS rootkit , Synapsys , T.R.K , T0rn Rootkit , Taskigt , v1rootkit
Rootkit / Backdoor
Ambient's Rootkit for Linux , Blackhole , Falcon
Rootkit / Backdoor / IRC trojan
Maniac rootkit
Rootkit / Hacking tool
Rootkit / Keylogger
Solaris rootkit
Rootkit / Remote Access
Kernel Intrusion System , Knark , TeLeKit , yoyo
Rootkit / Remote Access / Backdoor
Adore rootkit
Rootkit / Remote Access / Keylogger
NT RootKit
Rootkit / Remote Access / Steals passwords
SSH Rootkit
Rootkit / Steals passwords
Showtee , SSH2
Rootkit / backdoor.
George , SucKIT
Roottkit / Steals passwords
MithRa´s Rootkit
Back Orifice scanner
Screen shot capturer
Remote Grab
Spoofing tool
Static IP Notification System
Steals Passwords
Steals passwords
, Ajan , Alps , Antigen , Atomic2 , Barok , BIOS Password trojan , Boobs , Budweiser Frog , Cain & Abel , Ch , Crowl trojan , Datod , Dripper , DUT , Fake FreeAV , Fake MSN Messenger , FakeGINA , Fast Internet Utility , Fasthorse , Fatal Network Error , Fluxay , Get Pass , GetPasswords , Gina Trojan , GirlFriend , Glyph , Grabem , Grador , GRIC , Gris , HCDupRipper , Hukkey , Iceman MC , Indoctrination , InetSpy , Intruder , Johar , K2 Turbo Loader , Kaylo , Kcom Pwd , KERNi386 , Kuang2 , Kuang2 passwordsender , Kuang2 very lite , Listas , Login Thief , Lox , Madbox , Magic Horse , Msn Cookie , NetConfig , NetMail , Netmonn , Netscape Reg Voo Doo , NetSnake , NetWare Login , Novell Login , PassGrab , PassView , Password Mailer , Password Steal trojan 7 , Password Stealer , Password Theft trojan , Password Thief , Pricol , Primetime , Profman , Progenic Mail Trojan Construction Kit , Progenic Password Thief , PWT , ReadMe , RegForm , Sancho , ScheduleAgent , Sesame , SharaQQ , Shtirlitz , Sidea , Soft-War , Spion , Spoolsrv , ssh-2.3.0-patch , Stealth , Stealth2 , Su , Su trojan , TailGunner , Tapiras , TEMan , Terminator , The Alien Package , trILLian Rape , trojanized ProMail , UCRT , Uragan , Vicwor , WinGrab , WinPC , Xic , Yahoo! login , Zaskena , Zimenok , Zorro
Steals passwords / AIM trojan
AIM52 , Dmsys , Fake AIM
Steals passwords / AIM trojan / Downloading trojan
AIM Jacker
Steals passwords / AOL trojan
, AimS , AOL account info , AOL Edit , AOL trojan 0797A , AOLman , Backnote , Bloodhound trojan , Free AOL , OH Upgrader , PWSteal , PWSteal 1122 , PWSteal 1216 , PWSteal 1260
Steals passwords / AOL trojan / AIM trojan
AIM Thief
Steals passwords / AOL trojan / Destructive trojan
AOL.Trojan.1294 , AOL trojan 2351 , AOL trojan 873 , AOL trojan 911 , AOL trojan 958 , AOL trojan 966 , AOL.Trojan.BAT
Steals passwords / ActiveX trojan
Steals passwords / DoS tool
SMS Star
Steals passwords / EXE binder
Steals passwords / FTP server
Fake FTP
Steals passwords / ICQ trojan
Email Password Sender , ICQ LogIn , ICQ Thief , Naebi , Progenic ICQ Password Stealer , The Thief
Steals passwords / ICQ trojan / Mail trojan
Admin Tool , Zux
Steals passwords / IRC trojan
Script.ini , SuckInfo trojan
Steals passwords / MSN trojan
Furax , MSN Crack , MSNTrick
Steals passwords / Mail trojan
M2 trojan , WinSpy
Steals passwords / Mail trojan / AOL trojan
Steals passwords / Novell trojan
Steals passwords / Proxy
Bugs Bunny
Steals passwords / Trojan constructor
Worm Trojan
Steals passwords / Trojan dropper / ICQ trojan
Steals passwords / Trojan generator
Noname Trojan
Steals passwords / Worm / IRC Trojan / Mail trojan / Downloading tojan / Destructive trojan
Steals paswords / AIM trojan
AIM Evil Doer
Telnet server
Telnet trojan
Trojan Construction Kit / Destructive trojan
Trojan constractor
WinTrojan Generator
Trojan constractor / Worm constractor
God Message 4 Creator
Trojan constructor
Trojan Horse Workshop
Trojan constructor / Destructive trojan
Trojan Horse Construction Kit
Trojan constructor / EXE binder
Trojan Man
Trojan constructor / Remote Access
WM Trojan Generator
Trojan dropper
AntiAntiVirus , Bigjack , Memory , Morgoth Trojan Dropper , Rocks , Sheep [no 2] , Smallfun , Sneako Bait , Tetris , Traeger , WinNuke eXtreame , Winsp00fer , Zom
Trojan dropper / Destructive trojan
Trojan dropper / Macro virus
Trojan dropper / Remote Access
Fat Bitch trojan
Trojan generator
Oblivion Dropper Source Generator
Trojan generator / EXE binder / EXE compressor
Fearless Downloader
Trojan scanner
Box Scanner , Crazzy Trojan Scanner , Firefox Scan , HeLLfiReZ Scan , VIV-Net Taker
Tunneling software
007 Shell , Crackpipe , HTTPort , ICMP Tunneling Library
Annod , Annod B , Donut , Elkern , Fuzz , Fuzzy , Gosusub , Lanus , NewWorld , Obsidian , PEElf , Phage , Pirus , Reality , Redlof , Simile , Simplified Unix Virus , WoodWorm , Zerto
Virus / ActiveX trojan
Virus / Anti-protection trojan / Remote Access / Worm / Trojan dropper / Mail trojan / Downloading trojan
Virus / Destructive trojan
Julien , Pando
Virus / Destructive trojan / Network trojan
Virus / Distributed DoS tool
Virus / Downloading trojan
Virus / Hacking tool
Virus / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Virus / Macro trojan
Virus / Macro trojan / Downloading trojan
Virus / Mail trojan
Red Team
Virus / Mail trojan / Worm dropper
Virus / Remote Access
Kuang2 the virus
Virus / Remote Access / ActiveX trojan / Downloading trojan / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Network trojan
God Message
Virus / Remote Access / Backdoor / Port sniffer
Remote Shell
Virus / Remote Access / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / IRC trojan
Virus / Shockwave trojan
Virus / Steals passwords / Macro trojan
Virus / Trojan dropper
Virus / Worm
Cholera , Plage 2000
Virus / Worm / IRC trojan
Virus / Worm / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Virus / Worm / IRC trojan / Mail trojan
Virus / Worm / IRC trojan / Virus dropper
Dark Banishing
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan
Copy , Hybris , ICQ_greets , Malot , Petik VBS , Plexis
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / Destructive trojan
BiMorph , DontQuit
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan
DWorld , Xanax
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Kazaa trojan
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Network trojan / Destructive trojan
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / Hacking tool
Virus / Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / SMTP server / Destructive trojan
Virus / Worm / Network trojan
Virus / Worm / Remote Access/ Mail trojan / Network trojan / Downloading trojan
God Message worm
Virus / Worm / Trojan dropper / Mail trojan / Network trojan
Virus constractor
UCK - Ultras Construction Kit
Work / Mail trojan / IRC trojan
ActiveX , ADM worm v. Max Vision , Alcop , Anaphylaxis , AntiNapster , ArabAir , Arj worm , Bloodhound worm , Bormex , BoxPoison , Buffy , Cbomb , Cheese worm , Chiller , Code Green , CommonSence , Contract , CrazyBox , Cute Elsa , Digital Doom , DirectX8 , Dosinfo worm , El16 JPG , Elsa , Emma Peel , Emwerm , Fire , FunnyPics , Gary Gygax , Gift , Hijacker , Hola , Hopper , Hotlix , IISworm , Jany2000 , Jenne , Kelino , Kiltro , LoveLetter , Lunatik worm , MainDelWorms , Marie42 , Millenium Worm , Minizip , Miranda , Mkworm , Monday worm , MyPicture , Nail , NB worm , NetBus worm , Phage , Pink worm , Pinworm , Pixo , Plea , Pops , Pretty , Rast , ScrapWorm , ShitC worm , Slayde , Stina , SuperNova , Superworm , Ternop , Tossed , TP worm , W0de , Varible worm , X.C , X Jany , Yeah Yeah , Yytri , Zuke
Worm / ActiveX trojan / Destructive trojan
Kill MBR
Worm / Backdoor
Worm / Backdoor / Destructive trojan
Worm / Backdoor / Hacking tool
Adore sshd , Adore worm
Worm / Backdoor / IRC trojan
Worm / Destructive trojan
Android , Autostart 9805 , Legal , Lucky2 , New Moscow , NumLock
Worm / Destructive trojan / Macro trojan
Worm / Destructive trojan / Mail trojan
Pokemon , Starbyte , Video 25600
Worm / Destructive trojan / Network trojan
Worm / Destructive trojan / Virus dropper
Jennifer Lopez
Worm / Distributed DoS tool
Worm / Distributed DoS tool / Mail trojan
Storm worm
Worm / Downloading trojan
Music , Olvortex
Worm / Downloading trojan / Destructive trojan / Mail trojan
Worm / Gnutella trojan
Worm / HTML trojan / HTTP server / Hacking tool / Destructive trojan
Worm / ICQ trojan
Digital Vampire , ICQ 2000
Worm / ICQ trojan / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan / DoS tool
Worm / IRC trojan
5thSeason , Antipedo , Azaco , Becky , Buffy worm , Ceyda , ChatIRC , Crack , Crystal , CSR worm , Cuty , Desperate , DMSetup , El15 BMP , Funcess , Girls , Hokilo , Iblis , JDay , Jeepwarz , Julie , Kazimas , LazyVX , Lisa , Loa , Mabra , Milbug , Mirc_New , Movie , Movie.avi , Movie Pif worm , Netol , Pron , Rabbit , Readme.1077 , Rockstar , Snob , SpyBoy , Tetris , The Traitor (= th3tr41t0r) , Wally , Vanhouten , Viagra
Worm / IRC trojan / ANSI bomb
Worm / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
DMSetup H , Nahata , XRA
Worm / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan / Mail trojan / Network trojan
, Forgotten
Worm / IRC trojan / Distributed DoS tool / Port proxy / IP Scanner
Worm / IRC trojan / FTP server
Worm / IRC trojan / Hacking tool
Worm / IRC trojan / ICQ trojan / Mail trojan / Network trojan
Worm / IRC trojan / Mail trojan
GhostDog , Jer , Lee , Pnguin , The Fly
Worm / IRC trojan / Mail trojan / Downloading trojan
Ashley , Gorum
Worm / IRC trojan / Mail trojan / Network trojan
Worm / IRC trojan / Network trojan
Worm / IRC trojan / Trojan dropper
Worm / IRC trojan / Virus dropper
Worm / Kazaa trojan
Efno , Icasur , Kazdot
Worm / Kazaa trojan / Downloading trojan
Worm / Kazaa trojan / iMesh trojan / Gnutella trojan / NeoModus trojan / Morpheus trojan
Worm / Keylogger / Steals passwords / Mail trojan / Trojan dropper
Worm / MSN trojan
Annoying , Hello , Seesix
Worm / Macro trojan / Virus dropper / IRC trojan
Worm / Macro virus
Worm / Macro virus / IRC trojan
Worm / Macro virus / Mail trojan
Worm / Macro virus / Mail trojan / Network trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan
Actem , Apost , Apulia4 , Assarm , BlueMail , Cartolina , Challenge , Coolsite , Corica , CryptoLab , , Dena , Depress , DracV , Enviar , Fami , Fbound , Fever , Fix , Funny , Gabry , Haiku , Happy99 , Hard , Hermes , Horty , Indra , Jean , Liac , Lohack , Manis , Marijuana , Matcher , Mawanella , Melting , Molim , Monopoly , MXBot , MyPower , NewApt worm , Noped , OntheFly , Peachy , Pet_ticky , PolyPedo , Porma , Regreside , Resreg , SexPics , Shockwave trojan , Simpsons , Sint , Skren , Stayrina , Trood , Tryit , Vcard , Zacker , Zoher
Worm / Mail trojan / Destructive trojan
Allegro , Ameter , Caric , Eira , FriendMess , Hunch , Hydra , Io , Jolin , Kiray , Krim , Monkey , Myba , Naked Wife , Navidad , New Love , Quatro , San , Trilisa , White worm
Worm / Mail trojan / Destructive trojan / IRC trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Destructive trojan / Macro virus / Hacking tool
Worm / Mail trojan / DoS tool
Worm / Mail trojan / Downloading trojan / Trojan dropper
Worm / Mail trojan / HTML trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Hacking tool
Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan
, Antrax , Apulia , Britney , Bubble Boy , Crayon of Doom - COD , El Che is alive , Fiend , Logic , NeueTarife , Saltlake , Satanik , Taz , Universe , Weather , Wood Durdyn Aleanrahel Worm
Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Echelon , JongBoy , Petik , Rexli
Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Macro trojan / Downloading trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Network trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Network trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Kazaa trojan
Cazinat , Hobble
Worm / Mail trojan / MSN trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Macro trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Macro virus
Worm / Mail trojan / Macro virus / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan
Beerwyrm , Mylinong , NoWobbler , Shatrix , Small , Wobble
Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / Destructive trojan
ExploreZip , Numgame
Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / IRC trojan
Hart , Nightflight , Vodni
Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / Macro trojan / Destructive trojan
Little Davinia
Worm / Mail trojan / Network trojan / SMTP server / Destructive trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / SMTP server
Aliz , Atram , Cervivec , Netav , Parvo
Worm / Mail trojan / SMTP server / Destructive trojan
Blebla , Shoho , Yarner
Worm / Mail trojan / SMTP server / MSN trojan
Worm / Mail trojan / Worm dropper
Worm / Network trojan
4U , Datom , Nautical , Network , Opaserv
Worm / Network trojan / Autodialing trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Prank Trojan / Mail trojan
Worm / Prank trojan
Worm / Prank trojan / Gnutella trojan
Gnutel worm
Worm / Remote Access / Destructive trojan / Mail trojan
3D Stars
Worm / Remote Access / Distributed DoS tool / SQL trojan / IRC trojan / Downloading trojan / FTP server
Voyager Alpha Force
Worm / Remote Access / IRC trojan / DoS tool / Destructive trojan
Worm / Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords
Worm / Remote Access / Mail trojan
Worm / Remote Access / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / AIM trojan
Worm / Remote Access / SMTP server / Trojan dropper / Downloading trojan
Worm / Remote Access / Steals passwords / Keylogger
Erap Estrada
Worm / Rootkit / Backdoor
ADM worm
Worm / SQL trojan / Hacking tool / Port scanner / Destructive trojan
Worm / Steals passwords / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Steals passwords / Mail trojan / AOL trojan
Worm / Steals passwords / Network trojan
Worm / Steals passwords / Rootkit dropper / Hacking tool / Distributed DoS tool
Worm / Trojan dropper
Cheese , Code Red 2
Worm / Trojan dropper / Destructive trojan / Mail trojan
Worm / Trojan dropper / IRC trojan
Worm / Virus / Destructive trojan
Worm / Virus dropper / Mail trojan
Worm / Virus dropper / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Destructive trojan
Worm / Virus dropper / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / DoS tool
Worm constractor
Worms Generator
Worm constractor / Mail trojan / Network trojan
Senna Spy Worm Generator
Wrtm 7 Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Kazaa trojan / Worm dropper
hacking tool
mIRC binder
Mirc extractor , mIRC File Extracting Script Builder
worm / Mail trojan / IRC trojan / Prank trojan

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